VI || First Dates

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Life is a ticket to the greatest show on Earth. 

ᴾʳᵉᵛⁱᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵒⁿ; ᶜⁱʳᶜᵘˢ ᴼᶠ ᴾˢʸᶜʰᵒˢ: 

"A threesome." 

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to date both of you." 

"Wh-what are you doing here at...2 in the morning?" 

"Do you really think...that'll work?" 

"Ara, does think look too fancy? Or too casual?" 

"You will go out there, impress those two, secretly date them, and have an actual future that isn't the circus. Got it?" 


       [Y/n] was rocking on her heels, waiting for Keigo and Touya. She was scared that the two wouldn't end up showing up, but, after a minute of two, the girl saw Keigo come into her line of sight. 

       "Oh, [Y/n]! Don't you's the word..dashing!" Keigo exclaimed as the two hugged. [Y/n] gave him a look. 

       "I know what you wanted to say. Don't try to replace that word with another word that means something entirely different." The girl spoke, before looking around. "Where's Touya?" She asked as Keigo shrugged. 


      "What do you mean, 'Dunno'?!" The female exclaimed. "Weren't you—" The female was cut off by Touya's voice. 

     "Why are you angry?" He questioned in a monotone voice. The female wasn't sure what to do or say so she only started silent, looking from Keigo to Touya. 

    "You two are gonna be the death of me.." She mumbled. The two males chuckled. "Anyways—"

    The female was cut off by the sound of Keigo's wings flapping and he was off within a second. 

     "Where's he goin?" Touya asked. [Y/n] shrugged, before looking from Touya, then to Keigo and running after him. Touya groaned loudly before chasing after the female, whom had a wide smile on her face. Keigo landed in front of the Hershey's shop. 

     "We chased after you...for fucking chocolate?" Touya asked. He was definitely the only one that wasn't childish. For now. 

     Keigo and [Y/n] only stuck their tongues out at him before entering the shop. It was chocolate. What would one do, exactly? Just stand in one corner and watch everyone else run around like they were on a sugar rush. 

      That's exactly what Touya did. Just, in his case, everyone was [Y/n] and Keigo. They looked like two 5-year-olds that were surrounded by chocolate, which was basically the situation. Except they weren't 5. 

     The three ended up walking out of the store with bags, and like, literally, entirely 100% full of chocolate bags. Keigo and [Y/n] were smiling, while Touya, being the one who was carrying the bags, clearly had a look on his face that read, I wanna punch someone. Or it was just an I wanna go home look disguised as something else..

      The others mentally shrug it off and started walking around. Within half an hour, they had visited a bunch of the places. They made wishes in fountains, though they never came true because they always said it out loud when they made a wish. Hell, they even visited those little replicas of the Statue of Liberty and whatever else the other one was. If there was another one. 

     "Let's go to Circus Circus!" [Y/n] exclaimed out of nowhere after making her 10th wish of the evening. An hour had passed. But, at Circus Circus, [Y/n] knew that she would be able to get more plushies, and continue fangirling over Keigo. Yes. She fangirled over Keigo. Even as a villain. For...some..reason. 

     So, the three were at Circus Circus within a few minutes. One of them would've called someone to get the bags, but they were currently to lazy for that, and all knew that Keigo and [Y/] would end up carrying the plushies, anyways, no matter how big they were. 

     [Y/n] was the first to disappear into the crowds of people. Next it was Keigo, leaving a very confused Touya to continue standing still, before Touya started to rush after Keigo. 

     The two, more childish of the three were having the times of their lives. Winning plushies, placing bets, winning money, losing Twice(if you know. I'm gonna go sit in the corner now—) as much. The ended up leaving about an hour and a half later. And they had already spent an hour at the Hershey's shop. And another hour just exploring and having fun and stuff. The circus performance for Touya and [Y/n]'s group started an hour and a half ago. 

     [Y/n] and Keigo were giggling like little 6-year-old children. She was holding a bag filled with plushies of Keigo, and still had another huge plush, this time of a donut, in her arms. Keigo, on the other hand, had a few bucks sticking out of his pocket, plushies and other prizes in his arms.

     "Shit." Touya cursed. He was standing in between Keigo and [Y/n], holding one plush of Keigo, and the bags from the Hershey's shop. 

      "What?" [Y/n] asked curiously. She had a drink of the Caprisun she was holding, which, Touya was still confused on how she got a hold of. 

      "The performance started an hour and a half ago." 

      "Fuck." [Y/n] and Keigo cursed in sync. Each for their own reasons. They three rushed to the hotel, Keigo flying to his room as not to be seen with the two circus performers. It would most likely effect his popularity if he was. Stupid paparazzi. And he made the right choice, because an angered Angelo York was waiting for [Y/n] and Touya at the entrance of the hotel. 

      "Where the fuck were you two-?!" York exclaimed.

      "Um—" The two were cut off. 

      "We had to cancel tonight's performance because of you two. Do you know what that does to our fame?! Our popularity?!" York continued.

       Touya and [Y/n] looked down. The stuff they were holding didn't make the situation any better. 

        "You two will be under supervision for the rest of the week." 

        "WHAT-?!" The two practically yelled. 

        "That's mad!" [Y/n] exclaimed. 

        "If you're gonna be late to performances for..chocolate and little kids' toys then maybe we should make sure you don't do it again. Now go." 

        The two sighed softly, walking into the hotel and entering their rooms. At least they hadn't found out about Keigo. 

Or so they thought.

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