V || An Official Romance!

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❝ The hardest thing to do is watch the person you love love someone that isn't you and it truly hurts... 

ᴾʳᵉᵛⁱᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵒⁿ; ᶜⁱʳᶜᵘˢ ᴼᶠ ᴾˢʸᶜʰᵒˢ: 

"Um...wanna go on a date..?" Keigo asked giving an innocent smile. 

"Hello? Hawks here~

"You're a dork, Keigo Takami." "I could be your dork~"

Touya had no words. He was...speechless. He had planned on dating Keigo. And only Keigo. He didn't want to play a game of Who Will Win Keigo against [Y/n]. 

What were the two humans supposed to do?


       It was harder on Touya. Definitely. That was easily able to be confirmed. Keigo turned up in Las Vegas the day before the performance. He wanted to make things right. Between him and the two performers. 

       And here they were, sitting in a room, all 3 silent. That is, until [Y/n] spoke up. 

      "A threesome." 

      "What?" "Why?" 

      "I mean, if we became a threesome, we'd all be dating each other. I mean, me and Touya dated for, like, a month before Angelo found more of a reason to keep us apart, and of course, failed miserably. Touya likes Keigo, Keigo likes me and Touya. I like both of you, and I'm currently unsure about Touya." 

      "I more into Keigo, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to date you." 

      "Both of you, sleep on it. We'll talk again after tomorrow's performance. Night." The female spoke, getting up as she waved a small goodbye to the males, before exiting the room. 

      "A threesome, huh?" Keigo questioned, looking at Touya. 

      "What I said was true, Little Birdie. I wouldn't mind dating both of you. Now, I'ma get to bed. Night." 


      The winged male was woken up by a knock on his room door. Given the lazy fuck he was at that moment, he deployed one of his feathers to try to open the door, failing miserably. It has 5 minutes before he stood up and did it himself. He was greeted with the figure of [Y/n], whom was wearing some pajamas, unlike Keigo, who was only in boxers. 

       "Wh-what are you doing here at...2 in the morning..?" The winged male asked, looking at nearby alarm clock. 

      "Insomnia caught up." The female replied as she fiddled with the bottom of the pajama shirt she was wearing. "Can I sleep with you..?" She then asked, looking from her hands to Keigo. 

     "Uhm.." A small blush rose to Keigo's face as he looked down at the floor, noticing the female had been wearing Stitch slippers, then up at [Y/n]'s face. "Sure. What's the worst that could happen...?" 

     [Y/n] followed Keigo towards his bed, or, more like she entered Keigo's room and the winged male followed her to the bed. 

     A few minutes later, the two were cuddling, [Y/n]'s head on Keigo's chest. He was slightly super surprised on the fact that she wasn't bothered he was only in his boxers. Though, she had spent her entire life mostly surrounded by males. 

    "Hey, Kei..?" 


   "Do you really think....that'll work? A-a threesome, I mean?" 

   "Well, yeah. Though, I expected that I'd start dating Touya first, then you'd join in about a month after or something." 

    "Are you saying you expected us to be a threesome sooner or later?" The female asked, starting to sit up. 

    "No- well, yes, well-....kind of..?" The female sighed of annoyance, placing her head back on the male's chest. 

    "Whatever. Good night." 


    That morning was a rush. By the time Keigo had woken up, [Y/n] was getting dressed into more casual clothing. She was supposed to be at breakfast. And she had overslept. Because of a specific winged male.

    "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" The female cursed, looking for a shirt. She was rummaging through her suitcase, and quickly slipped her shirt on as she grabbed her shoes, which, fortunately, were Vans. 

    The female quickly slipped on her shoes as she grabbed everything she needed. Her wallet, her phone, and the card for her room. Then, she was rushing to the elevator, glancing at Keigo's door, which, probably hadn't been opened since she left earlier that morning. She shook her head softly, continuing to run towards the elevator. 

Time skip to 2 hours before the performance cause Psycho-Chan's a lazy bitch 

   Touya sighed softly, looking at a suit he owned. Dates. Love. That was some shit he was never good at. He looked at it, before looking in the mirror. Fuck it. The male thought to himself, and immediately started changing into the suit. Before, looking at himself in the mirror, yet again. He groaned, taking off the suit, and decided he'd dress casually. 

    [Y/n] was panicking, even if she was with Arakan, whom was a tightrope walker. [Y/n] came out wearing [oufit] 

    "Ara, does this look too fancy? Or is it too causal? Or-or is it something only to wear-" 

    "[Y/n], you look fine." The tightrope walker assured the other female. "You will go out there, impress those two, secretly date them, and have an actual future that isn't the circus. Got it?" 

    [Y/n] nodded softly, looking at Arakan. "Thanks.." She mumbled.  

    "No problem. Now, go. Be early and impress them even more." The tightrope walker ordered, grabbing [Y/n]'s phone and wallet, shoving them into the other female's hand before pushing her out. 


    Keigo was also freaking out. As he put on many different outfits, accidentally tearing a few, he eventually settled on a shirt that was casual and fancy at the same time. He looked at himself in the mirror before grabbing his phone, wallet, and room card, then leaving his room. 

   The date was going to end up amazing. Probably.

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