II || Meet, Travel, Arrive, Perform.

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❝ Places, places, get in your places!  

  ᴾʳᵉᵛⁱᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵒⁿ; ᶜⁱʳᶜᵘˢ ᴼᶠ ᴾˢʸᶜʰᵒˢ: 

   "I've gotta meet up with Hawks. He- argh- I'm not gonna explain it right now, I gotta go. See you two later. Call me when we leave." The male said before running off.
   The two females looked at each other, then at Dabi before saying, "Definitely a date with Hawks."


  Dabi was practically running, trying kindly deny photos and autographs as he tried to make it to his trailer. He was panting by the time he was in front of his trailer. He sighed softly, standing up and looking at his clothes, before shrugging and looking around his trailer, seeing no one.

      By the time he was nearly around, he saw a shadow and followed it. He only walked around his trailer one more time before ending up in front of his trailer, the shadow nowhere to be seen.

    The male sighed softly. This is probably just a trick... he thought. He soon walked inside the trailer, only to be greeted with Keigo Takami laying on his bed, looking at a picture of the male that the trailer was basically dedicated to.

     "Is she your girlfriend? God, what was her name..." Keigo mumbled most of the end.

     "Toga? [Y/n]?" Dabi guessed the two girls he knew most. "Miru?" Keigo only looked up at the second one.

     "That's who this is! [Y/n] [L/n]!" Keigo exclaimed. "Karma was her villain name, right?" He asked. Dabi stood silent, sighing as he grabbed the photo that Keigo was still holding.

     "That's not why you're here." He said, putting the photo back where it was. "So why are you here?" He asked.

    "Because I wanted to get to know you more...Touya." Keigo replied. Da-Touya faced the other male.

    "Fine," Touya said, giving in as he sat on the edge of his bed. The two males started talking, and soon, it was like they had known each other since childhood and were only catching up.

     That was, until Toga called Touya, letting them know that he had to get back before his disappearance went noticed. The male nodded before hanging up, sighing softly.

    "You gotta go?" Keigo asked. Touya only nodded his head softly. "Wel, guess that's my cue to go, too. See you next time." Keigo said, without thinking, the winged male kissed Touya's cheek before opening the door to the trailer, soon off to flying into the sky and going to wherever he needed to go.

     Touya was practically blushing 50 shades of red yet again. Just from Keigo Takami. How did he do it? The male questioned himself before shaking his head, his way of telling himself to snap out of it, and walked out of his trailer, the blush on his face fading as he started running back to the carnival, looking for his two female friends. 

    He reached Toga and [Y/n] within a matter of minutes. He was panting yet again. 

   "How was your date?" Toga teased. 

   "It wasn't a date, Barbie." Touya shot.

   "Suuure." The two females said in sync. "Anyways, we gotta go. He just texted." [Y/n] stated. 

  "You have Hawks' number?" Touya asked. He ended up being his on the back of his head. 

   "No. Not Hawks. The boss, dipshit." She replied, sighing softly as she walked to someone who was yelling her performance name, Oak. She gave her autograph, before walking back to her friends. "Now are we going or not?" 

Circus Of Psychos || Dabi × Reader × HawksWhere stories live. Discover now