III || Carnival Dates Ver. I

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     ᴾʳᵉᵛⁱᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵒⁿ; ᶜⁱʳᶜᵘˢ ᴼᶠ ᴾˢʸᶜʰᵒˢ:

     "Alright.." Keigo turned around as Touya started to change clothes. When Touya was finished, he muttered a small, "You can turn around again.."    

     And so, the first date between Keigo Takami and Touya Todoroki began. 


❝ I been here, I done it. Impossible-? Please! ❞

      Both males knew that Touya would most likely get in trouble for missing a performance, but then again, it was love or entertaining others by doing partially embarrassing things. Touya's choice seemed obvious. 

       The two snuck into the carnival without being caught by any guards, or Angelo York for that matter, and were able to enter the carnival in peace. 

      Touya was looking around as Keigo started getting tickets from the ticket booth. Touya was still looking around at rides when Keigo reached the male. 

      "How about we get some food first, then we can go on some rides. Or we can start off at that end-" Keigo pointed to their right.  "And from there go on rides, play some games, check out exhibits, maybe have some chicken while we're at it."

      "I'll go with our second option. But I swear- if you make me go on a little kid's ride-" Touya started. Keigo laughed. 

      "Now why would I do that-?" Keigo asked, still laughing a bit as the two males walked towards their right. Over there was the swinging pirate ship, bumper cars, tornado,  and a bunch of other fun rides.  

    The two nearly vomited a few times, obviously from spinning too much, and there were times where they seemed like regular best friends, laughing and stuff, but other times, they could hear insults. 


    "Being gay is a sin, isn't it-?" 

   "Maybe blonde over there should cheer up his boyfriend. Kiss his lips in front of a crowd." 

   "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to speak so stupidly-?" Touya replied to one of the insults, which happened to be said by a teenage boy with his friends. Most of them seemed about 20. Maybe a year younger or older. 

   "Touya-" Keigo said under his breath, reaching out towards Touya, only to stop because of what the boy had said next. 

   "I never expected Hawks to be gay. None the less dating a fucking clown." The boy's friends all laughed. 

   "Why haven't you gotten an award for being so stupid, yet, Kid?" Hawks asked. A crowd started to form slightly around the two males and the group of kids. 

   "What did you say, Fag-?" The leader of the group replied. 

   "I think you heard me." Keigo replied. It was obvious he was ready to pull out a feather. One of the members of the crowd started recording, alerting his followers, who had soon started posting stuff on twitter and Instagram. Obviously. 

   That's when the battle started. No quirks, just had to hand fighting. The battle between the leader of the group against Hawks. Other members of the group going up against Dabi.

    Angelo York's secretary had been on her phone, making sure there was no hate against the performers of Freakies Show before seeing posts about Touya and Keigo. I've gotta alert York...but he's in the-my the secretary's thoughts were cut off when Angel York walked towards the female. 

   "Mr. York, there's posts swirling around...about Blues.." The secretary stated. 

   "Let me see them." Angelo replied. The secretary soon found the live, only to be shocked that Touya had been using his quirk. He could be arrested. Why weren't there any guards-?! Angelo soon came up behind his secretary, and ran towards the stage. 

   "EVERYONE, THE SHOW MUST BE CUT SHORT. WE ARE VERY SORRY, AND YOU WILL RECIEVE A REFUND-!" Angelo yelled as loud as possible. He looked up at [Y/n] who soon came down with the help of other acrobats and other performers. "You, Toga, and Daisuke are coming with me." [Y/n] nodded as the audience started to whisper and chatter amongst themselves as the exited the tent. Soon one revealed about Dabi, and started running in that direction, given that they were able to recognize the part of the carnival the fight was going on at. 

   Daisuke, Toga, and [Y/n] soon ran after Angelo, who was chasing after the crowd. The crowd around Dani, Hawks and the group of males had gotten larger by the second. 

   "Don't insult someone by looks, you asshole. I mean, for all you know we could be half-brothers or some shit." Dabi responded as the fight started to come to a pause.

   "Shut. Up." The leader replied, throwing a punch at Dabi. Dabi was unable to dodge, so he was forced to take the punch, which hurt like hell. Another fight started between the leader and Dabi. Keigo had partially become part of the crowd now.

   That is, until [Y/n] came along. "I'm sorry, but why the fuck is everyone yelling over here-?!" She said. Her voice sounded different from before. Why? Because of her dual personality. She was now on her more, villainous, insane side. If you had paid attention to her voice enough, you could hear that it sounded a lot like Junko Enoshima. 

   "Cause of the fags." The leader muttered, receiving a punch to the face as a reply.

   "I'm sorry, you wanna put that in a kinder way-?" [Y/n] said, her voice still sounding like Enoshima, only to recieve silence, and she only punched the male's face again.

    Keigo and Dabi were in shock, and were now part of the crowd. Daisuke, Toga, and Angelo arrived, and Daisuke made sure to erase everyone's memories, including the boys in the group. Unfortunately, they couldn't get rid of the social media posts, but they would have their ways.

    When [Y/n] back to her innocent, cheery side, everyone walked back to the tent, even Keigo. He and Touya were forced to be on opposite sides of the group, gievn that they were the whole reason that the fight had occured.

   Soon, when they were at the tent, Angelo was clearly angry.




   "York, Hawks will tell the pros. We'll be out of buisness before you could say Quidditch without a british accent." [Y/n] said, her voice almost inaudible.

  Angelo sighed softly. "Daisuke.." He spoke. The pink-haired, soft boy that was named Daisuke sighed softly, walking over to Keigo, who was just on his phone, trying to make it seem like he wasn't paying attention, and placed two finger on the blonde's forehead, causing him to look up, her eyes turning more golden than they already had been for a moment, before going back to normal. 

Failed dates between Touya Todoroki and Keigo Takami, now had a score of one. 

Circus Of Psychos || Dabi × Reader × HawksWhere stories live. Discover now