VIII || A Bird's Recovery

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I don't know, okay!? I just..I just don't know.. ❞

ᴾʳᵉᵛⁱᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵒⁿ; ᶜⁱʳᶜᵘˢ ᴼᶠ ᴾˢʸᶜʰᵒˢ:

"So you're awake ... finally ."

"I'm the one asking questions, Birdbrain ."

"At least you didn't call me cannibal ..."

"Then get on with it .."

"He could be tortured right now ! Or-or worse !"

"Your husband— sorry, boyfriend is NOT being tortured! Maybe his phone just died and he can't find a charger, I. Don't. Know. So, listen up because I will not repeat this again. Calm. The fuck. Down. Continue panicking! It's fun to watch!"


Keigo now sat in Kenji Hikishii's room. Previously known as Magne, currently known as Maggie Magnetism. Weird. Yeah. Kenji tended to Keigo's wounds, given that she had bags filled with medical supplies she stole from a nearby pharmacy store.

"How'd you get into this situation, Hawks?" Kenji asked.

"Touya...and [Y/n]." Keigo responded, before biting his lip to keep himself from wincing as Kenji treated a wound on Keigo's cheek.

"Stop biting your lip. It'll make the pain worse." Kenji responded, dipping the small rag in the alcohol, before rubbing it slightly on Keigo's wound again.

"Ow!" The winged male exclaimed.

"Stop moving." Kenji ordered, proceeding to treat the wound. Before pulling away form it. "There. Any other ones?" She asked. Keigo nodded, causing Kenji to sigh softly and mutter, "I'll deal with em later.."

Keigo's phone started to ring, and he looked at the called ID. [Y/n]~💖 was what could be read. The male sighed softly, pressing decline. Again.

"Why do you avoid them? Let them go to voicemail! I wanna see how much Touya panics!" Jin Bubaigawara's voice rang through the room.

"Hi, Jinny!" Kenji exclaimed, waving at the blonde /not winged/ male as she sipped on her lemonade.

"Heya, Ken! Fuck off." Jin responded. Kenji chuckled softly. She had personally learned, along with the rest of the ex-villains of the League, not to take Jin's rude words to heart.

"Tell Kei, here, that he should answer TT and [N/n]'s calls!" Kenji exclaimed.

"Why?! I'd just be bombarded with questions about what happened, then I'd have to lie about it and everything!" Keigo exclaimed.

"What Kenji says, goes. If Kuro were here, he'd want you to confront them. Do what you want. I don't do love shit." Jin responded.

"Thank you!" Kenji said, taking another sip of lemonade. All eyes went on Keigo.

"Alright...I'll talk to them.." He said, causing the two ex-league-of-villains members to cheer.

Timeskip ; 12:36 AM

[Y/n] and Touya did whatever they could to sneak away from the sight of their bodyguards, but both failed miserably. They both groaned when they each found out their bodyguards would be joining them to the room of their hotel. It was pretty packed, despite it being midnight, so, they would be able to get away from the guards easily. Maybe.

They were able to. Their bodyguards lost them, and the two fist bumped when they saw the bodyguards go down, back into the hotel. Despite that Angelo would be called, and the roof would end up being cleared up within the next half hour or so, but, they didn't exactly care.

The two sat near the pool, which was filled with women in bikinis, some grinding on other - clearly horny - men. It disgusted the [h/c]-haired female for some reason, so she quickly looked at the view of the city of Las Vegas. Touya glanced at her, putting a hand on her shoulder as he asked, "You alright, [N/n]?"

The female snapped out of her trance, looking at the male beside her, before nodding. "Yeah. Perfectly adequate."

"No need to lie, [Y/n]." Keigo's voice said behind the two. The said female looked back.

"Kei.." She said softly, before getting up and tightly hugging the male, tears escaping from her eyes.

"Gosh, don't overreact!" Keigo exclaimed. "You're gonna make me cry.." He then said, his voice breaking half way through his sentence.

"No! Don't cry!" The two exclaimed, the female doing whatever she could to make sure the winged male didn't cry. He sniffled, before chuckling and pulling both into a hug.

About 30 minutes later, the three were still on the rooftop, planning about how to get past the guards and not get caught when they went on another date.

"I could make them hallucinate a fog, or that they're on a cliff." [Y/n] suggested.

"No!" "Yes!" was heard from the two males, before they looked at each other, eyebrows raised.

"Okay, I'ma go with Keigo and say no." [Y/n] then said, before sighing. Then, she came up with something. She started explaining a huge idea. She'd still make the guards hallucinate, but, meanwhile, Keigo's feathers would tickle them, causing them to be distracted for quite a while, allowing Touya and [Y/n] to slip out of their rooms, before the feathers retreated back to Keigo's wings and the hallucination would end.

"That' amazing idea!" Touya exclaimed.

"Yeah! But, that sounds kinda weird." Keigo said.

"Rude." [Y/n] commented. Just then, two guards and York walked onto the rooftop, and the three quickly waved at each other, before quickly running in different directions, finding their own ways to get to their hotel rooms. 

I know this is short, but, I'm busy and kinda had major writer's block for this chapter, but, compressinq helped me out , so , thanks Dad ! Anyways , stay safe , my little psychos ! Bye ~ ! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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