Episode 5 - There's Always A Choice

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The only light in the room comes from my hands. The purple and black tendrils that dance around my fingertips illuminate everything in a five foot radius. Its quite beautiful, actually. I may not know what these coils are, but I know that they are powerful. I thought they were waves of energy, as did my Father and Uncle, but recent events have brought me to think otherwise. Like Uncle Wu said, this power I have is different and dangerous. It is more important now than ever that I learn to control it.

My bedroom door opens and my Uncle waltzes in. I don't bother looking up at him. I keep my eyes fixed on the sparks that jump from my fingers. "That is not a toy for you to play with, Tasha," he says.

I roll my eyes, but still don't look at him. "I'm not playing with my powers, Uncle. I am studying them."

"Either way, you should not be using them unsupervised," Uncle continues.

I send him a quick glare. "I'm not a child, Uncle," I seethe.

"That is where you are wrong. You are only fifteen years old. You may have more independence than others your age, but that doesn't change the fact that you are young. You are young and impressionable and you have a choice. You can learn to control your powers and use them for good, or you can let your powers control you and spiral into madness."

I scoff. "That is where you're wrong. I don't have a choice. My destiny was determined long before I was born. I will learn to control these powers, but I will not use them for good. I am meant to be evil. I am meant to rule Ninjago by my Father's side. Nothing will ever change that."

Uncle Wu sighs softly. "You are farther gone than I thought..." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, but he just shakes his head. "It doesn't matter. For now, we are on the same side."

"And what side would that be?"

"The side that strives to help your brother. Now go train with the ninja. They need some help solving a riddle," He says dismissively.


I eventually find the boys on the main deck, but they do not train. They sit in a small circle around Zane, who seems to be telling them a story. I could care less about what they speak about. With a bored sigh, I pull out my boy and begin firing arrows at the mast. None of them notice my assault to the ship, as they are to caught up in Zane's story. I continue firing arrows, carving a small hole in the center of the mast. Only when Kai utters the words 'Green Ninja' do I miss my shot. My arrow veers right, barely missing Jay.

"Gah! Tasha, when did you get here?" Jay gasps, putting his hand over his heart.

I motion towards the small hole I've made with my arrows in the ships mast. "A while ago," I shrug.

"What did you do to the ship!" Jay shouts.

"It can be fixed," I dismiss. "What were you saying about the Green Ninja?"

"Just that I'm going to be him," Kai replies with a cocky smirk.

"What are you talking about? He had incredible strength to lift that cargo and save his life. It's me," Cole argued.

"No, no. Did you miss the part of the story where the guy pulled out nun-chucks? I have nun-chucks!" Jay retorts.

"I think you're all missing the point of this dream. The point is the Falcon flew on his arm and it was my dream, so naturally it's me," Zane says.

Jay just shakes his head. "I think we can cross Cole off the list. I could've lifted ten times-"

"Woah! Cross me off the list? Anyone can hold nun-chucks," Cole declares.

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