Episode 10 - Reunited Once More

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"Kai! Nya! Come back!" Jay shouts over and over. "Why'd they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix?"

"It was the only way to save Wu," says a man who looks strangely familiar.

"Oh, okay. I'm good with it." Jay sighs. Then his eyebrows furrow. "Hey, wait a sec. Who are you? And how do you know that?"

Then it hits me.

"I'm Maya," says the woman in a kind voice. "And this is Ray. We are--"

"Kai and Nya's parents," I say, voice quivering.

Lloyd grabs my arm, sensing I'm about to fall over and saving me from embarrassment.

"We saw your portrait at the museum," he says.

"Krux and Acronix traveled back in time with the Reversal Time Blade, so our children had to follow," says Ray. His voice is just as weak as mine, if not weaker, and he's also struggling to stay standing

"Why?" Jay asks.

"Only that Blade can undo the effect of the Time Punch on Master Wu," says Maya. "They are his last hope."

"Master Wu is with them?" says Lloyd.

"We have to go help," says Cole. "We just need a time machine. You can build another one, right?"

"I can't," Cyrus says solemnly.

"Oh, I get it," says Jay. "'I can't' is business speak for 'It'll cost you big.' Okay businessman, I hear you. Hm, I've got a tenner."

"No Time Blades, no time travel," says Maya. "I'm afraid there is nothing to do but wait and hope Kai and Nya return."

"Okay, then," says Jay. "Samirai 2.0, while we're stuck waiting, why don't you tell us who's really under there?"

"No," they say.

"Would a tenner change your mind?"


"What about two pieces of candy?"


"What you said is true," says Maya, changing the subject. "Kai and Nya truly are Master Wu's last hope."

"Not just his," says Ray. "All of Ninjago--" He starts coughing uncontrollably, nearly falling to the ground.

Panic flushes his wife's face. "Ray! What is it?"

"On the ship," he groans, "when Acronix hit me, he was holding a Time Blade and something happened."

My heartrate quickens--he can't have been struck. He can't die now, not that Kai and Nya just found him again.

Zane scans him. "Accelerated physical deterioration, rapid loss of life function. You've been hit with a Time Punch, too."

"And there's no cure," I mumble.

"Wait," says Cole. "You said the Reversal Blade can undo it on Master Wu. Would that work for you too?"

"Only if our children retrieve it and return in time."


Hours. It's been hours since they left. The team decided to travel to the surface: we figured it would be better to get out of the staunchy air of the swamp-cavern. Better air for Ray to breathe. Better light for the rest of us to see. A better place to die.

Despite my own weakness, a insisted on helping Ray out of the cavern. Jay supported one shoulder while I held up the other. Maya followed behind incase he fell backward. Lloyd stayed close by my side incase my body gave up again, but we made it to the surface without issue.

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