third year begins

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Harry and his friends had arrived at hogwarts. They were sitting at the great hall. "Pottah pottah" harry heard malfoy calling him he turned vack to see him smiling mockingly at him."is it true u fainted i mean u actually fainted" then draco and his friends started mocking at harry. Harry wanted to just smack him across the face but then hermione turned him back to her ."dont pay attention to him" said hermione glaring at draco. Harry agreed with her.Sorting ceremony of first years were done."now comes the dumbledoor's speech" said ron with a groan."ron!"hermione scolded ron by hitting him by her elbow."welcome to another year at hogwarts.rules are the same as last year forbidden forest and 3rd floor is still restricted for students. But something is new this year. As u all might be knowing that sirius black is on loose so dementors will be gaurding at the boundaries of hogwarts so u all must be careful" harry gasped as he heard that dementors will be at hogwarts."now it's time to introduce you to ur teacher's. This year ur DADA teacher will be Mr Remus John Lupin." Remus stood up and all the students clapped for him. Remus smiled in nostalgia there was a time when i was one of them. Harry was happy bcoz somehow that man was very likely familiar to harry."he is our new teacher that's why he gave us a chocolate" said ron happily.harry nodded."mrs trelawney will be ur divination teacher,professor mcgonagall will be teaching transfiguration,professor flitwick for charms and potions will be taught by professor snape of course" ron groaned at snape's name.
The next day there first class was with divination.Harry was a bit disturbed after the class. But he was excited for his DADA class. "So good morning to all of u as i can see some of u r happy to see as ur teacher and some r unhappy also" he said."well we will be learning about how to handle a boggart" he said pointing at the closet."so can anyone tell me what a boggart is" hermione answered correctly."very good hermione 5 points to Gryffindor " all the Gryffindors smiled at her ."So just repeat after me ridikulus" "ridikulus" the whole class repeated. "Very well now one by one u all will be coming and facing it" all the students lined up. Neville's boggart was proffesor snape and he changed his robes into his grandmother robes. Whole class enjoyed this. It was Harry's turn he stood in front of the boggart and it changed into a dementor. Before he could react remus jumped in front of him and the boggart changed into full moon.remus put the boggart back in the closet."class dismissed" remus announced. Harry stood there only."why u didn't allowed me to face the boggart" he simply asked."i thought that it will change into voldemort" remus replied giving harry a chocolate."first i was thinking about him only but suddenly i remembered that train incident"there was an obvious silence."why i m the one who is affected so much by the dementors" harry asked suddenly."dementors r foul creatures harry they feed on ur happy memories and i think they r affecting u so much coz u have been through a lot and.." Remus stopped midway. Harry looked at him questioningly."and what"." And i m sorry". Harry was a bit confused. "Why r u sorry professor". "Harry u can call me remus when i m not teaching and i m sorry bcoz i should have been there for u but i wasn't and i know it's my fault". Now harry was more than confused why is he caring so much for me he has only met me a few days back." Umm prof....i mean remus had we known each other before now" asked harry. "Ofcourse we had met before ...such a long time before..u were only a small baby...and now u r a handsome teenager" remus said grinning and ruffling Harry's hair. "I recognized u when i saw u not by ur scar but by ur eyes u have ur mother's eyes."Harry smiled back at him."u may not remember me now but u used to like me when u were a baby. I had once gifted u a sweater with ur name on it. U looked so cute in it. .....That was the best time of my life but times had changed now" he said with a grimace placing a comforting arm around harrys shoulder. Harry was not used to care and affection but he was liking it."ur father and i were best friends" remus paused with a grimace."and u remind me of james u r so like ur father harry except ur eyes...u have ur mother's eyes" harry was just smiling whole the time. "Can u tell me more about them someday" harry asked in a childish tone but he couldn't resist it he wanted to know more about his parents. "Ofcourse harry". "umm proffesor lupin" harry began but was cut off by remus glaring at him." Now i m talking to u as a student proffesor" harry chuckled. "I want u to teach me to face the dementors like u did in the train that day" harry said. "Um harry dementors can be fought by using the patronus charm and it's not a easy spell harry r u sure u want to learn it" asked remus though he knew the answer."yes professor i want to learn it" harry said in a determined voice."ohk then to conjure a patronus we use the spell expecto patronum repeat after me". "Expecto patronum" repeated harry."very good harry now u have to focus on ur happiest memory harry and then pronounce the spell" harry closed his eyes and opened it and holded his wand at ready position. Remus released the boggart which immediately turned into a dementor. "Expecto patronum" a very feeble white light emerged from the wandtip. The boggart was coming closer to harry."Expecto patronum...exp..ecto.. Patro.." Harry started to feel dizzy and then he heard her mothers scream and then collapsed. Immediately remus shut the boggart back in the closet and holded harry who was about to fall."r u alright harry" remus asked sitting on the stairs beside harry."yeah i m fine" harry said rubbing his head. "Don't worry harry it's not a easy spell that u can do it perfectly in the first try but i would be more than happy if u did" said remus giving harry a piece of chocolate."what was ur memory by the way harry". "The first time when i flew the broomstick" ."that's not enough harry u need a more happy memory harry" said remus looking at harry intently who suddenly stood up."umm i have a memory but i do not know if it's a happy one but it's the happiest i have ever felt" said harry playing with the candle flame. Remus became sad after hearing what Harry said. He sighed."so let's just try it harry r u ready". "Yeah i m". He closed his eyes for a brief moment and then opened them with wands at ready. Remus released the boggart which changed into a dementor." Expecto patronum". This time a stronger white light came out from his wandtip and the boggart was forced to shut back in the closet."well done harry u were brilliant" said remus happily. Harry smiled back at him panting from the exhaustion. Remus made him sit on the stairs and gave him another chocolate. "What was ur memory by the way" asked remus sitting next to harry." It was the memory of my parents..they were saying something to me and holding me..i dont know if it's real but i sometimes see it in my's the best memory i have till now" said harry to which remus grimaced.
It was the day of their trip to hogsmeade. Proffesor mcgonagall had turned down Harry's request. Harry was disheartened but he didn't wanted his friends to feel sad for him."i m fine guys u two can go and have fun". Ron and hermione grimaced at him."ok harry see u later we will get something for u"."thnx" said harry smiling and waving at them. When they were gone he started going back inside with a sigh. He sat in the library flipping the pages of the book looking outside the window. Remus came to the library and saw harry sitting there absentmindly. Harry was more than a favorite student for remus. Remus always saw harry as his own son. "Harry i think u should go outside for a while a relax and u can come to me at 8 tonight" harry smiled at him and obeyed. He saw fred and george calling him. Fred and george gave harry the marauders map and told him how to use it. Harry was more than thankful to him. He took his invisibility cloak and sneaked out of the castle with the help of the map. He reached towards shrieking shrack and was angered to see malfoy and his friends troubling ron and hermione. He was furious when he heard malfoy calling her mudblood. He started throwing snowballs at them. He scared them and they ran from there. He started playing with Ron's cap. Hermione burst into laughter."harry" harry came out of his invisibility cloak and they three had a good laugh. They were in hogsmeade when harry saw proffesor mcgonagall talking to someone. He moved nearer to them as he heard them talking about him. He followed them. He was still under his cloak. "Sirius was james and lilys friend but he sold them to voldemort" harry was shocked as he heard it." He might be after harry....though he was and still is Harry's godfather" harry was more than angry and he rushed out of the place. Ron and hermione were waiting outside only. They started following the footprints which were coming from nowhere. Harry sat on the rock and started sobbing under his cloak. Ron and hermione exchanged a worried look. Hermione stepped closer to harry and sat on her knees and slowly slid his cloak to see the tear streaked face of harry. She took Harry's hand to calm him."he was their friend and he betrayed them" harry said in a hurt voice."i want him to come after me and find me bcoz when i will meet him then i will kill him for what his betrayal and for what he did to me" said harry in a angry voice wiping his tears."calm down harry" said ron placing a comforting hand in Harry's shoulder. Harry nodded at his friends. He stood up and saw hermione offering him a packet."we got it for u from honeydukes" she said smiling at him."thanku you two" he said smiling at both of them. They went back to the castle.

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