the first task

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Harry had already come to know that the first task was about dragons

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Harry had already come to know that the first task was about dragons. He had already told hermione who was trying to find a way for fighting them. Ron and harry were still not on good terms. "I m going to hogsmeade to meet sirius" harry told hermione and gave him a nod. Harry started going when he saw ron making fun of him with other students. Harry was already frustrated by those badges that malfoy had made but he was not that much affected by them but seeing ron making fun of him like that hit him like a brick. He threw one of the badge at Ron's face out of anger."u know what...nevermind...just stay away from me" saying this harry went towards hogsmeade.
Sirius and remus were already waiting for harry there."harry" said sirius and remus in unison. Harry smiled at them."did u find anything about the first task" asked sirius."yeah its dragons..we have to fight dragons in the first task" said harry." dragons..its too will my pup fight dragons" sirius started panicking." Don't worry padfoot..i think u forgot that ur pup has already defeated voldemort 3 times and has slayed a bassilisk..what's a dragon infront of him" said remus though he was himself worried."ya u r right" said sirius to himself. "R u worried harry" asked sirius."no just a bit nervous" said harry. Remus placed a hand on harrys shoulder."u will be fine" said remus to which harry nodded. They talked for a while and harry went back to the castle.
It was the day of first task. Harry had already discussed with moody about the plan to fight the dragon. He was in the tent pacing back and forth."harry" he heard a whisper from outside. He recognised the voice."ya hermione its me" he replied."r u alright" asked hermione."yeah absolutely fine" said harry in a sarcastic tone. Before he could say anything else hermione flunged her arms towards him and hugged him tightly."u will be alright"said  hermione with her voice muffled against harry. They were startled by a flash. They separated quickly to find rita skeeter had taken their picture. Luckily victor shoved her off. Hermione also went away wishing him luck.
Harry entered the arena and was quite nervous. Of all other dragons i got the worst one that's do great harry thought to himself. He quickly summoned his firebolt as the dragon started attacking him.
Sirius and remus were standing with Harry's friends. Sirius started shouting and panicking everytime harry got close to the dragon. Remus was supporting sirius and reassuring him but was himself worried like hell. Hermione was watching harry with hands covering her mouth. Ron was also very worried for harry. Suddenly they saw harry winning the round by taking the golden egg. Ron and hermione jumped in joy. Sirius felt relief. He rushed towards harry."i m so so proud of u..u were so brilliant" said sirius hugging harry. "Thnx sirius" said harry hugging him back. Remus gave harry a one arm hug."i already told u padfoot what's a small dragon in front of harry" said remus. Harry chuckled. Hermione hugged harry."u did it Harry..i knew u can do it" said hermione. Harry smiled at her."umm congrats mate" said ron awkwardly. Harry stared at him for a minute and then simply nodded."ohk..i m sorry for being a git lately..i just..i m sorry..i shouldn't have..if u can forgive me" ron said looking apologetically at harry."forget it ron" said harry. "But i m really sor.."."i said forget that anything happened i forgive u" said harry smiling at ron. Hermione smiled at both of them."mr potter u need to go to the infirmary u have some injuries" said mcgonagall. Harry nodded and went towards the infirmary.
Sirius came to visit harry in the infirmary."so how r u" asked sirius sitting on the chair beside Harry's bed."fine just few burns and cuts and a broken hand..that dragon was a tough one" said harry jokingly. Sirius gave harry a small smile."so who will be ur partner" asked sirius smirking at harry."be my whatt" asked harry confusingly."ohh u dont know about it yet..well yule ball is a part of this u can't go alone u need a dance partner so who will be ur partner" sirius was smirking at harry."umm well..i will think about it" said harry. "Now i m more concerned about the second task.." Said harry."dont worry much about that...u Will surely figure it out i know..for now u just relax a bit" said sirius ruffling Harry's already messy hair. Harry smiled at him.
They were in the potions classroom. Ron and harry were discussing about yule ball."so who will be ur partner" ron asked harry."what bout u" harry asked ignoring Ron's question."i m still thinking about it..tell me about u" said ron."umm u see i m not familiar with many girls so i was just thinking to ask hermione..i mean just thinking" whispered harry."then don't just think go and ask her" said ron. Harry nodded. "Umm hermione" harry called hermione nervously."what is it harry" said hermione doing her potions assignment."umm i was just..i mean..i just"." Harry i don't have this much time say it quickly" said hermione still doing her assignment."can u..can u help me in the assignment" said harry. He mentally scolded himself for not able to say what he wanted. Hermione stared at him for a moment then sighed to herself."i think u should do it urself" said hermione. She knew what harry wanted to say actually. She stood up to submit her assignment and went outside the classroom glaring at harry. Harry sighed in defeat."what was that mate u can slay a bassilisk fight dragons but not ask hermione for yule ball " said ron. "I just couldn't say that..i will give it another try" said harry.

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