the quidditch world cup

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It was next day and harry was all ready to go to the burrow

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It was next day and harry was all ready to go to the burrow. "So have u packed everything" asked sirius. "Yes" answered harry. They hugged each other and then harry flooed to the burrow.
"Hello harry" said mrs weasley giving
harry a motherly hug. Harry greeted all of them and then they all apprated to the world cup.
They all were enjoying the world cup when death eaters attacked the place. They all started running back towards the portkey. Fred and george were taking care of ginny. Ron harry and hermione were running together then suddenly harry lost his grip of Ron's hand. Harry and hermione got separated from the others.
Sirius was bored. He sat on the couch and started reading the daily prophet.
Sirius started panicking as soon as he read those words. He threw the paper on the table and apprated to the world cup.
Harry held his wand in one hand and Hermione's hand with other. "We need to get out of here" said hermione. Curses were being fired. The whole crowd was at chaos. One of the death eater came face to face with harry. "Stupefy" harry stunned him. They started running towards their tent. Then the dark mark appeared in the sky. Harry's scar gave him a hot slicing pain and he fell on his knees. "Harry what happened r u alright" asked hermione worryingly. Till then sirius had arrived there. Remus had also arrived their and neither of them were surprised to see each other. Ministry had also arrived there. Harry now managed to stand. As soon as sirius and remus saw harry They both sighed in relief. They both ran towards him but sirius outran remus. He immediately hugged harry."r u alright cub" asked remus worryingly."ya" answered harry. Minister arrived there and started questioning harry."i don't really know but i saw someone running in that direction" said harry pointing at the direction. The ministry workers went in that direction.
They apprated back to the burrow. They talked about the incidence for a while then sirius and remus began to leave."be careful u all the appearance of the dark mark isn't a good sign..i think u r understanding me" said molly gesturing towards harry. Remus nodded and they went back to grimmauld place. Harry's scar was still stinging. He was feeling dizzy. He himself had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. First those scar visions those nightmares the dark mark something's not right harry thought to himself. "Pup i think u should rest for a while u r looking tired" said sirius with concerned voice. Harry nodded and went to his room. Sirius was very worried. Remus was also worried but he tried to calm himself."dont worry padfoot everything will be fine" said Remus placing a hand on sirius shoulder. Sirius simply nodded.
The next day they had shifted to black manor. Harry looked around the house."a filthy half blood in the honoured house of black" kreacher said in a annoyed voice which startled harry. "Kreacher u will not say anything to harry now go and make the necessary arrangements for us" Sirius yelled at kreacher."ok master kreacher lives to serve the noble house of blacks" with this kreacher disappeared. "Sorry about that harry it was kreacher our family's house elve he is bit annoying but don't pay attention to it" Sirius told harry to which he nodded. Harry was shown his room which was next to sirius's. After being settled they went down for the lunch. Remus had also arrived there. "The halfblood was not enough that a werewolf is also here" kreacher groaned at remus. "Kreacher" sirius warned it. "So this is ur room harry i hope u like it" said sirius showing harry his room."my room is next to urs" he added."and remus can go in the basement on full moons" said sirius pointing towards remus. Harry was happy. He finally had a family and a place to call home.They had their lunch talking about random things.

A week passed like that and forth year was approaching. "Sirius today i m going to diagon alley to buy all the necessary items for the fourth year" said harry."i will come with u" said sirius quickly. "No u dont have to worry urself i will go with.." Harry was interrupted by sirius." I said i will go with u" said sirius sternly. Harry frowned at him but nodded not wanting to hurt sirius. They went to diagon alley. He met ron and hermione there. They brought all the necessary items."so see u at hogwarts" said harry waving at them as he flooed back home with sirius.
That night sirius woke up with a start. He heard a whimper coming from Harry's room. He took his wand and ran towards Harry's room. He hesitated for a moment but finally decided to go inside as he heard another whimper.'alohomara' sirius unlocked the door. He looked around and sighed a relief as no one else was there. But his panic was replaced by concern as he saw harry thrashing on his bed. He was drenched with cold sweat and was whimpering in pain.
I need his blood. He heard a hissing voice in his mind. The scene changed into a man killed by a snake."noo".
Sirius felt helpless. He started shaking harry to wake him up."harry pup plz wake up it's alright it's just a nightmare" said sirius gently running his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry started to calm down. But was still clutching his scar in pain."puppy wake up plz wake up" sirius pleaded. Harry's eyes snapped open. He looked around frantically but started to calm down as he saw sirius sitting next to him." i woke u..again" harry said in a broken voice. He was still panting."that's not a problem..r u alright is ur scar hurting" he asked as he saw harry rubbing his scar. Harry nodded still shaking with his head in his hands."r u alright" asked sirius in a concerned voice. "Ya i m fine it was just a nightmare nothing to worry about." Said harry giving sirius a small smile. Sirius smiled back but he knew something was not right. He was getting more worried.
The days passed very quickly. Sirius and harry had grown a very strong bond. They spent most of their time playing chess discussing stories about the marauders.his nightmares had also stopped. It was some of the best days of Harry's life.

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