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Liked by jonahmarias, Savageavocado123 and 304, 296 others

imzachherron: It's time ❤


Savageavocado123: AHHHHH

User1: Your going to be an amazing dad!

jonahmarais: We can't wait to see her!

Junesdad: She's going to do amazing ❤

User2: June's dad is everything

imzachherron: She's doing good guys! So far no baby! And now I'm going to come off social media until tomorrow, love you all ❤


My due date passed and I was starting to feel exhausted. All the time. "Zach, my feet hurt," I complained.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked me. Zach had been super helpful on the last week's of my pregnancy, and I was so thankful for him. "I don't know, can I have some food?"
"I'll be right back!" He ran into the kitchen and brought back some candy. "Thank you." I took it from him and opened the packet. I offered the bag to him but he shook his head. "Their for you June."

That night, I couldn't sleep. Every position I slept in was uncomfortable. Zach tried to stay awake with me but he ended up falling asleep. I didn't bother to wake him. I started to feel some contractions but I wasn't worried at first, I just thought they were braxton hicks.  Winnie woke up and looked at me. "Hey sweetie," I whispered. She looked at me for a little longer before falling asleep again. My water broke and that's when I knew I had to wake Zach up. "Zach." I shook him. "What's going on?" He asked me, half awake. "My water just broke," I told him. He immediately woke up and sat with me. "Ok, I'll go call Nova and get the hospital bag. When a contraction ends, start the timer ok?," He told me. Noah was going to be taking care of Winnie for us whilst we were at the hospital. I nodded and then a contraction started. "I'm guessing one just started." He got the timer ready for me and went to call Nova. My contraction ended so I started the timer. Another contraction started, in just 6 minutes "Is Nova on her way?" I asked him. He came back into the room with the hospital bag and another contraction."6 minutes apart," I managed to say.
"Nova's on her way ok?" He said. I nodded and started focusing on my breathing. "Zach," I looked up at him. "Mhm?"
"Please can we go to the hospital?"

Nova arrived and we went to the hospital. I got shown to my room and then changed into my hospital gown. I laid in the bed and watched Zach. "I can't believe she's going to be here soon," He beamed. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled at him weakly and felt another contraction start. "I hate this so much," I mumbled. A nurse came into the room to check on me. "Is this your first?" She asked me. I nodded and she smiled at me. "Your 4 centimetres," She told me.
"4 centimetres?" Zach questioned.
"Dilated. Once reaches 10, she can start pushing," She explained.

After 8 hours of labour, our baby girl had arrived. I held her close to me and couldn't stop crying. Zach kissed the top of my head and smiled at me. "I can't believe she's here," He commented. "I know," I replied. She was fast asleep so we were trying to stay quiet. "She looks like you," I said to Zach. "I don't really see it, I see more of you in her," He told me. I looked down at her and kissed her head. "She has my nose though," Zach smiled. I didn't respond and slowly rocked her. "Our little fairy," I cooed. I passed her to Zach so he could have some time with her. "Are you gonna go to sleep?" He asked me. I nodded and he kissed my cheek.

I woke up later on from Zach shaking me. "What's wrong?" I asked him, yawning. "I think she's hungry," He answered. He passed her to me and I fed her. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get some food."
"Hey little Faye," I smiled. I stroked her cheek and gave her a kiss on the nose. "Your a little cutie already," I giggled. Zach came back into the room with some snacks. He smiled at us both and came to join me in the bed.

We eventually were able to go home. Nova came to help us and to see Faye. "She's so little," She smiled as she rocked her. "She's also a big eater," I told her. I got off the bed and streched. "My legs are not used to this," I chuckled.
"Don't tell me you've been a lazy bitch," She replied.
"Language young lady," I warned.
"Hey, you literally told me to fuck off as soon as I walked in! For no reason," Nova argued. "I had a very good reason," I took Faye from Nova so I could place her in the carrier," It was because you started talking about how could you slept good last night."
"Are you really going to be mad about that?" She asked me. I nodded and Zach picked up our bag. "Wow, I was going to order you food when what got back but not with that attitude."
I picked up the carrier and we started walking to the exit. Nova was holding onto the carrier too in case I needed the help. I smiled at Zach and we went home.

Everything was perfect when we talk Faye home. Everyone loved her and the fans did too, when we showed her to the world. Time flew by and soon it was our wedding.

I took once last look in the mirror and smiled. "June," My dad said. I turned round to look at him and smiled at him. "Are you ready?" He asked me. I linked our arms and smiled at him. "I am."

My dad walked me down the aisle and I felt like crying happy tears. I arrived at the alter and Zach smiled at me. "You look beautiful," He commented. The priest did the ceremony and then it was time for us to say our vows. "I've been told you have written your own vows, correct?" He asked us. We nodded and  Zach cleared his throat. "June, every time I see you. Time just stops. Everything is just perfect with you. I wouldn't know what to do without you, you always make me smile and make me so happy. We've got so many amazing memories together and I can't wait to make more. The day I asked you to marry me, I was the happiest man alive. I'm so proud of everything you've done, from your music to our family. This moment right now, I will remember forever. I love you so so much," He said before slipping the ring on my finger. I fought to hold back my tears and said my vows "Zach, I want to say thank you for everything. You've made my life better. That day, when you took me to the fair was the day I knew I was in love with you. I can't even say it in words how much I love you. Me and you are going to raise a beautiful family together. I love you more than anything and I'll always listen to you," I said. I put the ring on his finger and we smiled at each other. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife."
We kissed each other and everyone cheered. "I love you Mrs Herron," Zach smiled. "And I love you Mr Herron."

The end

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