Lead Me Out of the Blue

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Every part of the book, the scenes, the events, the organizations, the place and the names are all made of fictitious manner. Any part of this series do not reflect any real matters.

Disclaiming any part of the book, soft or hard copy is considered plagiarism and legally punishable by law.

Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation. Purloining and publication of another author's languagethoughts, ideas or expressions and the representation work. The idea remains problematic with unclear rules,

Plagiarism is considered academic-dishonesty and a breach of journalism ethics is subject to sanctions like expulsion.

A One Shot compilation:
Love and Life

© All rights reserved. Lead Me Out of the Blue series 2020. Tokwangkyot.

Lead Me Out of the BlueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon