Kirby's POV: Kiss, Marry, Kill Pt 1

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  Finally, finally, FINALLY we get to smash!

  It has been almost three weeks since school started, and Principal Master Hand has decided we are ready to battle!

  "I'm so excited!" Ness said, bouncing up and down on my right.

  "We know. Most of us have said that so many times today we can't count," Sonic said. "Personally, I can't wait. One of the things that bothers me about this form is I'm so SLOW."

  Mega Man rolled his eyes. "You're our fastest runner, at fifty miles an hour. And you call that slow?"

  Sonic scoffed. "That's nothing. Two hundred miles per hour is more like it."

  Hero snorted. "Only you would say that."

  "Alright!" the Crazy hand shouted. Everyone immediately fell quiet. "Everyone is here, correct? If you know that someone is missing, please say so now."

  No one said anything.

  "Good, good. Now, the principal is waiting just past the door behind us. He has given me a list of the order he wants the Smashers to visit him. When I call your name, you will enter through the previously mentioned door. Principal Master Hand will transform you, and you will exit through a door opposite the one you will use to enter. Does everyone understand?"

  "Yes!" the Smashers chorused.

  "Alright. After you exit the room in your new form, you will enter the training room. Do not use any of the equipment until the principal and I join you. Do I make myself clear?"


  "If any of you are found using the training materials, you will be punished. Either detention for a week, or after school clean-up for a week. I trust that none of you wish to be punished."

  The assistant principal pulled a notebook from his pocket and opened it to a certain page. He cleared his throat, pushing his white hair behind his eyes. The vibrant dye streaks really popped against the regular white of his hair.

  The assistant principal was a very unique person. Half the time, he looked and acted like he had drank too much coffee, which was probably true. This was probably the soberest I had seen him in my four years I had been attending Super Smash High School.

  "Alright, our first person is Dark Angel."

  A boy with raven-black hair, amber (nearly red) eyes, a black hoodie, and ripped jeans stepped out of the crowd and strode confidently into the room behind Crazy Hand. He looked to be a year or two younger than me, and was a first year.

  After a minute, Crazy Hand spoke.

  "You all may talk, as long as you keep the noise to a minimum."

  "I can't wait to goooooo," Sonic moaned. "I wanna gooooo! Go faaaaster!"

  "Shut up and be patient," Hero snapped.

  We paused as Crazy hand announced the next student. It was Pit Angel, who looked nearly identical to Dark. The only differences were, he had brown eyes, brown hair, a white t-shirt, some blue jeans, and he was positively bursting with excitement.

  Sonic frowned. "You don't have to be so rude," he huffed.

  "Yes, I do. You won't listen any other way," Hero retorted.





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