Shiek's POV: Must be Kept

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  I stared at myself in the mirror. Because of my secret, I had been given a room to myself.

  My red eyes stared back. It was always strange, being Shiek instead of Hylia, second oldest princess of Hyrule. Thanks to the Shiekah Magic my temporary bodyguard (more like best friend), Impa, taught me, my eyes weren't their customary green when I was Shiek.

  I sighed. For my own safety, I needed to keep my identity a secret as long as possible from as many people as I could. The only ones who knew so far were my sisters, Princess and Zelda, and Peach.

  I turned to my wardrobe and opened it. I considered my options. Today was supposed to be crisp and windy. Yes, it was only September, but here at Super Smash High School, snow usually began falling around Halloween.

  I picked out a black t-shirt and a gray hoodie with the Shiekah symbol on it. I also picked out some ripped jeans and a wrap for my feet.

  A wrap is just two pieces of really long cloth that go around my feet. It went around my ankles and feet, but left my toes free. In my opinion, they were way more comfortable and just as functional as shoes.

  I quickly got dressed, then grabbed a scarf from my nightstand, wrapping it around my head and neck so that the bottom half of my face was concealed. I then braided my long hair back. A single strand had beads twisted into it.

  I stepped outside my door, ready to start the day, my satchel full of school supplies and text books.

  Unsurprisingly, Peach was waiting for me. She wore a white crop top with a pink tie, a pink knee-length skirt, white stockings, and pink and white shoes. Her earrings were exchanged with ones that were the shape of the Smash Ball for out battles. She also wore a pink and white overcoat that went past her waist that would protect her from the forcasted winds.

  "Hey Shiek," Peach said cheerfully as we started walking.

  "Good morning," I said softly.

  I didn't talk much. The reasons being:

  (a) It helped keep my identity hidden.

  (b) I preferred not to talk unless if it was about something I enjoyed.

  (c) It went well with the whole 'mysterious ninja' gig.

  (d) I had to make sure he suspected nothing.

  He being Link the Hylian Champion.

  Father had sent me a letter earlier this week saying that he and the counsel had come to a decision on who my bodyguard would be. No surprise, it was Link.

  Of course, my father was also planning on revealing who I was to the whole school soon as well. Link will know eventually. I wish to keep my identity a secret from him as long as possible. I wasn't looking forward to having him as my bodyguard. Yes, he was the best and undefeated swordsman in all of Hyrule, as well as one of the more popular and good-looking, but I could take care of myself.

  I have spent years training, learning how to fight and strengthening my magic, so that I could avoid this. Right now, I felt like all that just went down the drain.

  "So, how do you sleep?" Peach asked. "Get enough of your royal beauty sleep?"

  I gave her an annoyed look. She laughed.

  "How'd we ever become friends?" I asked.

  "No idea," she said.

  I smiled, though most wouldn't be able to tell because of the scarf.

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