Hero's POV: Kiss, Marry, Kill Pt 2

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  We all shook our heads. Mario just grinned.

  "You just had to, didn't you?" I sighed.

  "Yes, I-a did," Mario agreed.

  "Well, let's-a play away!" Pikachu exclaimed. "It's your turn Samus."

  Samus idly twirled her long ponytail around her finger as she spoke. She and Zero had a surprising resemblance to each other, despite being just cousins.

  "I'd kiss Cloud, because I've gotten to know him a little bit and he seems okay. I'd marry Palutena because she is really kind, especially to her friends. I'd prank Twilight. He get's too much adoration."

  The guys nodded at her statement. I agreed wholeheartedly. Twilight didn't even try to get attention, it just followed him. 

  "I'd embarrass Orange, because Zero will kill me if I don't" 

  We all laughed at the statement, including Zero.

  "I'd befriend Mega Man, because he's already my good friend. And I'd kill Robin, because you all would kill me if I didn't."

  We all laughed again.

  "Well, it's true," Sonic shrugged.

  "For once I agree with you," I commented.

  "Whoa! Hero and Sonic agreeing!? It's a miracle!" Kirby smirked.

  I rolled my eyes. "Shush."

  Doc fell to his knees, his hands clasped and raised like he was praying to some deity.

  "Thank the a-gods for this-a beautiful blessing!" he cried, obviously trying his hardest not to smile.

  Sonic groaned. "Okay, okay, enough."

  "What?" Doc said. "It's a miracle." 

  "Oh my goodness just shut up!"

  I frowned. "Hey, that's my line!"

  "Says who?" Sonic retorted.

  "Says me! You're not allowed to use it."

  "Pfft. Well, it's a good thing Imma bad listener."

  "No, it's bad that your a bad listener."








  "Alright you two, shush. We gotta finish Kiss, Marry, Kill," Pikachu said, his left ear twitching slightly.

  "That blessing didn't last long," Young remarked dryly.

  I glared at him. "Fine," I sighed.

  "Great!" the pokemon said. "It's my turn."

  "Fire away," Young said.

  "Alright! I'd kill Cloud, because no one has decided to kill him yet. I'd kiss Palutena, because she's really nice to me and my sister."

  "You have a sister?" Sonic interrupted.

  "Yes, I do. Her name is Pichu."

  "Pichu?" I said, confused. "I thought Pichu was a guy."

  Pikachu laughed. "No. She just gets hand-me-downs from me and likes her hair short. She says long hair usually just gets in the way."

  "That makes a bit more sense now," Doc said.

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