ATLA AU [finalized]

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ALRIGHT. As I was writing the one-shot for this AU, I finalized a couple of ideas! First and foremost, I'm following the storyline of ATLA. I couldn't think of a good plot for my other idea and I really want to write Tango as Zuko. So here are the confirmed roles for each character and some information on them :) 

Scar- Avatar. Born 16 years before the mass genocide of his people, the Air Nomads. 2 weeks before the Fire Nation wiped out the Nomads, Scar went missing along with his Sky Bison, after the revelation of him being the Avatar. Scar is kind, dorky, yet brave. He loves all forms of life but holds a special place in his heart for cat hybrids. [Aang]

Stress- Waterbender. Born in the Southern Water Tribe 85 years after the Air Nomad Genocide (ANG for convenience). Stress is the last Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe and is known for her loving and motherly personality. She wants to protect her family with all of her ability and has a deep desire to learn how to bend. [Katara]

Bdubs- Non-bender. Born in the Southern Water Tribe 82 ANG. Close friends -practically siblings- with Stress, and wants the best for his people. Although he never speaks about it, he has a deep desire to travel and see the world. He really misses his father and the other men of the tribe. Is the oldest male in the Tribe at the moment. Bdubs is funny, loud, and smart. [Sokka]

False- Non-bender. She is 18 and lives on Kyoshi Island as the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. False is brave and strong, wishing to protect her island from the Firebenders. [Suki]

Tango- Firebender. 19, and the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. He was banished at the age of 16, sent to hunt the Avatar. He travels with his childhood friends in what seems like a hopeless search. Tango is surprisingly friendly and good-natured, yet is ruthless in his hunt for the Avatar. [Zuko]

Impulse- Firebender. 19, and the son of a Fire Nation war general. Impulse has been close to Tango his whole life and is extremely protective of him. He left the Fire Nation with Tango once he was banished, to protect his best friend from the world and his father. Impulse hates the Royal Family (minus Tango) with an incredible passion. Impulse is... well impulsive, smart, and loyal. [Mai/Iroh]

Zed- Waterbender (FUCK canon I have so many ideas for having a waterbending Fire Nation native). 18, and the bastard son of a Fire Nation noble. Zed was allowed to stay in the castle as long as he promised to dedicate his life to the crown. He doesn't care much for them besides Tango. He joined his best friends in the search for the Avatar to try and convince Tango to find another way to live, without his father. Zed is sweet, optimistic, and loyal. He cares a lot for his team. [Iroh/Katara]

Etho- Waterbender. 18, and Prince of the Northern Water Tribe. Etho is friendly and brave. He wishes to do more for his people than just sit around and look pretty. [Yue]

Cleo- Earthbender. 16, and born to a noble family in the Earth Kingdom. Cleo is blind and yet she is probably the best Earthbender ever. She is smart, bold, and confident. [Toph]

Grian- Firebender. 17, and a Prince of the Fire Nation. The younger brother to Tango. Grian is a prodigy Firebender, being the only known bender to ever use blue fire. Grian is smart, friendly, and cunning. He is known to be extremely chaotic, yet precise. He knows how to get what he wants and doesn't care who gets hurt along the way.  [Azula]

Mumbo- Non-bender. 18, and a Fire Nation citizen. Childhood friend to Grian and Tango. Mumbo is extremely intelligent, having created a taser (think Asami from LOK) at a young age. He isn't a big fan of fighting, yet is a master at Jujitsu. He is deadly when paired with a taser. However, Mumbo is known to be friendly, awkward, and humble. [Ty Lee] {Credit to 1lik3tra1ns for the taser and martial arts idea! All of your comments on the first part were extremely helpful :D } 

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