Partner Pokemon [AU]

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Pokemon has been one of my passions since I was a kid so I've decided to pick a partner Pokemon for every hermit! For a slight explanation, this Pokemon would be like Ash's Pikachu. I'll give a backstory on how they encountered this Pokemon and/or their relationship with it, plus the Pokemon's personality. I will also be listing what they do as a job and their full 'teams' just for fun! 

Also IDK shit about Hypno, xB, and Beef so I took them off for now. When I have time to get around to their channels I'll add them! 

No legendaries will be used but pseudo-legendaries are fair game >:)

Bdubs works in Scar's Bakery. He is the friendly, always smiling cashier that the customers love. He is best friends with Scar. Bdubs partner Pokemon is a Snom named Snomflake, a pun he is very proud of. Snom spends most of his time in Bdubs' pocket napping the day away. He is very scared of Jellie and will not come out if she is awake. Snomflake is friendly and cuddly, trying to sleep on anyone who will allow him to do so. 
Team: Snom, Milcery, Mimikyu, Azumarill, and Donphan

Cub is the CEO of the business who supplies Scar's Bakery. Cub is an intelligent and honorable man, wishing to offer only the best support to those who work under him. He can come off a bit condescending and snobbish sometimes though. Cub's partner Pokemon is an intimidating Urasring. Urasring has a no-nonsense attitude and keeps an eye on all the more mischievous Pokemon around him. Cub and Urasring have a friendship built on respect and admiration. Cub respects his Pokemon's strength and wishes and Urasring respects Cub's intelligence and morality. 
Team: Urasring, Persian, and Mawhile

Doc is a Steel-type Pokemon trainer who wishes to have his own Gym one day. Doc was worked with and studied Steel Pokemon for his whole life, even choosing to live in the wild with them when needed. Doc's partner Pokemon is a level-headed Lucario named Beast. Beast is stoic and respectable until he encounters his rival Pokemon, Blade. After that, it's all out of the window and he will do everything in his power to defeat the other Pokemon. Doc trusts Beast with his life and vise-verse. They are never seen without one another. {Has a Mega Stone in the form of a glove on his left hand}
Team: Lucario {Mega}, Metagross, Empoleon, Steelix, Bronzong, and Ferrothorn

Etho works in a Pokemon Gym, but as an electrician oddly enough. He was born in the Sinnoh Region to a family of Poison-type users, but never really loved the type as much as his family did. Because of that, he always stood out from the rest of his family and found friends elsewhere. One day while goofing off in the woods, Etho ran into his partner Pokemon: a small, 3-legged Shinx. The Shinx had obviously been abandoned and Etho couldn't leave it behind to suffer and so he brought him home. Through hard work and lots of love, Shinx eventually evolved into a Luxray. Together, they work in Xisuma's Gym. Etho never really battles the others but when he does, it's always a 1v1 and he always uses his trusted Luxray. Luxray is not nicknamed. Luxray is quiet and tough, never getting into any mischief but always defending those weaker than him. He is extremely attached and loyal to Etho, rarely leaving his side. 
Team: Luxray

False is a Pokemon Trainer and a good one at that. She was born in the Hoenn Region and once she beat that Pokemon League, she moved to the next. False currently has beaten the Hoenn, Kanto, and Johto leagues. By her side is her trusty Gallade, the first Pokemon she ever caught and her best friend. Gallade was just a Ralts when they met, but a bold one. When False was walking around, debating on which Starter Pokemon she would pick, he ran up and headbutted her leg and followed her around until she acknowledged him. Liking his determination, False caught him and swore to use him in every League, a promise she has stuck to. Gallade, also known as Blade, is bold and determined, but also cocky. He has a rivalry with Beast. {Has a Mega Stone in the form of a necklace}
Team: Gallade {Mega}, Nidoking, Ampharos, Scizor, Ludicolo, and Flygon [currently]

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