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Brayden POV:

I haven't felt this pain in so fucking long. The feelings of hopelessness like no one is coming to save me, and I'm drowning in an ocean of my screams. The closer we got down the road, the more I wanted to scream out sobbing. It reminds me of when I had to be in that God forsaken hell, or what normal people call an orphanage.

That's why I will be forever grateful to my parents. No, not my birth parents.. My true parents that I love with every atom in my body. I would die for either or both of them, and not have second thoughts. They took me from the place that killed my spirit slowly for eight years.

When I was four years old, my parents gave me up for adoption. They never said why, or spoke to me ever again. It's not like we were poor, or in need of anything.. They just.. Hated me. When I was twelve, I was taken in by two loving husbands. They loved each other just as much as they loved me.

Their love for me was stronger than anything in the world, but I had no clue that I'd love them romantically.. The first time I ever thought about them like that was when I was fourteen and I got my first boner. Pffff, it seems so stupid now..

JJ pulls me out of the car, carefully yet stern. He rightly holds onto my wrist, as he takes a pair of keys out of his pocket. We arrive at the front door of a.. Cabin..? You would think it would be more grand than this, but what do I expect? JJ unlocks the door, and I slowly walk behind him. He puts the set of keys back in his pocket, while taking me to a small room attached to the living room.

We arrive in a small room that is covered in a thin layer of dust. There on the floor lays a bed, and a bedside table. On the table were three keys, and a lamp. JJ sets me down on the bed, and opens the bedside table drawer. I shiver as I see a pair of handcuffs appear in JJ's hand.

"Give me your hand, precious." I cringe at his pet name, and retract my hand into my pocket. "No." He growls deeply, clutching onto the handcuffs. "Don't make me ask again, Brayden." I flinch, and slowly reach out my hand. He smiles brightly at me, like he hadn't just ripped me apart with his eyes.

He kindly takes my hand, and attaches my left arm to the headboard on the bed. A single tear slips from my eyes, as he locks his with mine. He caresses my cheek, and wipes away my tear. "I love you. Don't ever forget that, okay?" He says, while kissing the no longer visible tear on my cheek. 

He slowly gets up, and opens the door. It creaks, as he looks at me once more. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes, okay?" With that, he shuts the door with a creak. I hear footsteps ache through the aging wood, making it more agonizing to hear. I hear the front door slam, and then I begin to thrash. Tearing the skin from my wrist, hoping to do something to break myself free. I sob quietly, pulling on my hand.

I'm never getting out of here..

~Five years later~

I hear birds chirping loudly in my ears, as I stretch out. I feel my hand hit the warm chest of my five year abuser, and I immediately retract my hand. He yanks it back, and lays it on his chest. I quietly gasp, and he kisses my hand. "Good morning, prince~" He says lowly while kissing up my arm. I shiver, and he chuckles.

He snakes his arm around my waist, and pulls me closer to him. I gasp, and he kisses my cheek. "It's time to go to work, baby." I groan. He chuckles lowly, and I close my eyes again. I feel the weight from his side of the bed lessen, and I snuggle into the pillow more not wanting to leave the warmth. I feel him wrap his arms around my body, and I squeal.

He laughs, and spins me around. He sets me down, and opens the door to our large closet. He pulls out some clothes for me, and lays them on the bed. He comes over to me, and tugs at my shirt. I squeal again, and he kisses my cheek. "Relax baby, I'm just changing you." He rubs my back, then takes of my shirt.

He then puts on my shirt, and kisses my neck. "Sit down on the bed, baby." I do as he instructed, and he lays me down. He puts on my pants, and pulls me back up. I wrap my arms around his neck, locked in place. I take in a large whiff of his cologne, and he breathes into my ear. I shiver, as he grabs my ass.

I moan loudly, and he growls into my ear. He picks me up, and starts kissing me. He licks my lips, asking for entry. I slowly open my mouth, as he slides his tongue in. I moan into the kiss, and he slaps my ass. I cry out, and he grunts into my ear. "Oh baby, you're so sexy~ Wish I could have you all to myself today.."

He stops, and puts me down. He kisses my cheek once more, and bends down. "Sorry bub, but it's time for work~" I whine, and he growls grabbing my ass. I quiet down, and look at my feet. He grabs my chin, and caresses my cheek. "I'm sorry, baby.. I'll make it up to you after work, okay?" I gasp, then smile. "Okay."

I grab my bag from my side of the bed, and throw it over my shoulder. "See you after work, love~" I wave him goodbye, and walk up to my car. I pull out the keys, and unlock it. I open the door, then sit down in the drivers seat. I set down my bag, and shut the door. I then cut on my car, and put it in drive. The engine revs up, and I take off.

A/N: hmmm should I end it here? Hmmmmm.. Nah, I'll keep going.

~Time Skip~

I finally arrive at my job at the local cafe. I put the car in park, and grab my bag. I walk up to the door, and unlock it. I then put the open sign up on the door, and walk over to the counter. I go to the side, and open the gate to the back of the counter.

I look at the time. 6:12 am.. Jeez it's early. Best get to work then, I guess..
I shove my phone in my pocket, and wait for customers to appear.

~Time Skip~

Four hours later, the store is bustling with people. Girls drinking iced tea with their boyfriends, and some emo boys sitting in the back drinking black coffee. Jeez, surely I wasn't that bad at fourteen..? Eh, whatever.

I hear the bell ring on the door, and I don't immediately look up. "Hi, welcome to-" I look up, and I cannot believe what I see...

A/N: CLIFFHANGER HOESSSSSS! I gave you guys a long chapter today lol.. hope you appreciated it, and gosh I love this story so I'll be updating soon! Love you guys! 😘

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