Xx 13 xX

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I regretted speaking the day I entered hell. Let's just say, they're less than forgiving. Side note: never drop your fucking soap.

So basically I was the doll in prison, but I was the manipulative, vindictive, and evil doll. Actually, I wasn't a doll at all. Yes, I never let anyone fuck me, but I even got a tattoo from cell buddy. That was his payback for beating some dude up who tried to fuck me, which sucked to clean.

My on my wrist read, 'sharp.'

They saw me as tough, but breakable. A knock on the cell door interrupts my thoughts, and I whip my head around. The guard looks at me with his arms folded, "you got company, boy." I sigh, and I walk towards the door. Holding out my hands, he cuffs them loosely. Yes, this is my favorite guard! He smirks a little, then opens my cell door.

He guides me to the visiting room, and I widen my eyes in shock. A smile slowly appears on my face, and I walk over to them. I sit down, and the guard closes the door. I slump in my chair, making my tattoo visible. I see Mark visibly tense, and Nick just sits firmly in his chair.

Nick finally speaks. "Why, Brayden, WHY?!" Mark quickly grabs Nick's arm to calm him down. My eyes soften, and I slowly let down my guard. I slowly look at my feet. "I had to. They were holding me back, slowly killing me from the inside." Nick's fists form until his knuckles are white, and I put my hand on his thigh. He shoo's my hand away, rejecting me. I quietly gasp, but then harden again.

I stood up, and glared at him. "They're putting me on death row, and I can't even have physical contact with the people I love? Tch, some lover you are." Their eyes go wide. Mark jumps out of his seats, a few tears slipping from his eyes. "WHAT?!" He shouts. I scoff. "Are you shocked? I murdered three fucking people in cold blood, and I plead guilty. It's just what's gonna happen." They both look at me with pain, Mark more that Nick.

Nick stands up, and I stand back. Nick walks over to me, and shoves his hand against my throat. I gasp for air, but I can't seem to find any. "YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT!" He shouts, gripping my throat tighter. I shake my head, and mouth, "I love you." A smile appears on my face, and tears fall from my eyes.

Once he really realized what he did, he jerked his hand back. I intake air, and fall to the ground. Standing up slowly, my eyes go cold. They could probably cut like ice, and I snap my neck practically to look at them. They look at me with fear, and I stand up fully. I groan, and scoff.

"Brayden," Mark reaches for me but I put my hand in front of myself to stop him. "Never come back." I growl. A single slips from my eye, and I hear Mark's breath hitch. "Come on, Mark. He's not gonna come back to us." He says, and I stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turn around, and walk eerily slow towards them.

Getting all up in Nick's face, I glare at him. "You choked me, you fucker." He looks down at me, and chuckles. "You killed people for your own pleasure, you sick bitch." I cackle. "Well I'm already gonna die, are you gonna try to make it worse?" Nick's eyes go wide, and he stutters.

Nick grabs Mark, and tries to lead him out. Mark jerks away, and walks towards me. I brace myself as he gets closer, waiting for him to hit me or something.

...But he doesn't.

He hugs me. I gasp, and Nick is clearly taken aback. "Mark, what the fuck are you doing?" Nick seers, and I smile sinisterly at Nick. Nick glares at me, and turns away. Mark rubs my back, and shushes me. I grabbed his shirt, and finally felt safe in the past few weeks.

I sigh shakily, and Mark squeezes me tighter. "I'll never let go of you, Baby Boy," Mark cries. My eyes water. I want to hold him in my arms, but they are stuck to my sides. He won't move.

Tears fall down my cheeks, and I reach my arm around Mark's back. I tap it, and he loosens his grip. I wrap my arms around Mark, and put my lips near his ear. "I'll be out soon," I whisper. He smiles, and slowly nods his head. "Can't wait," he whispers back.

- time skip -

I lay down in my cell, and sigh. "Doll, what's-a matta wit you?" My cell mate says, with his Jersey accent. I sigh, and look at him. "Do you trust me?" I whisper. He slowly nods his head, and I look around. I walk closer to him, and squat down. Looking up at him, I plead silently. "Please, you gotta help me get outta here. Look, you don't have to do anything I alrea—" He stops me.

"Doll, you don't gotta tell me twice. I don't want ya family goin' through what mine's goin' through," He sighs. I silently nod. "Then, will you help?" He nods. "Thanks, macho man," I joke.

Two Weeks Later —

I breathe heavily, feeling a panic attack coming on. M&M (Macho Man, I know it's dumb stfu) walks over to me, and pushes my back forward. He pats my back, and tears slip from my eyes. "Doll, you're gettin' out," he sighs. I gasp, and turn around. Panting heavily, I nod my head. "SERIOUSLY?!"

He smiles, and I smile brighter. Tears rolling down my face, I hug him. "Thank you, Bruce," I whisper. (Bruce is Macho Man aka M&M's real name)

A few days later —

I wake up, and see a guard looking down at me. "Get up, boy. You're outta here," Guard Asshole #10 says coldly. I smirk, and slap his arm. "You'll miss me," I joke. He almost smiles, and slaps my head. "Never in a million years," He jokes back.

Looking back at Bruce, I smile. Winking at him, I leave the cell.

— The End —

A/N: OMG IM SO SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN FOREVERRRRRR I LOVE YOU GUYSSSS! Yes, this is the end of the FIRST book. The second book is already out lol

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