Xx 8 xX

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A/N: hey guys I changed the title of the book! Hope you like it, and don't mind it :)

A single tear slips from my eye. Why would JJ do this to me after taking me from my family..? Well, I guess he did me a favor. I wouldn't have known that those sorry excuses for parents would just fucking replace me like I never even damn near existed.

I guess Austin never lied about taking me back to that fucking place, even after he saw what that place did to me. He is truly evil, I know that. Him, and that pussy, Jack. Jack clearly looked torn, but I would think he'd try to keep the search up..

I didn't notice that I was speeding, and I hear sirens behind me. Fuuuuck, guess they're pulling me over. I put my blinker on, and pull over on the side of the road. I keep the tears in my eyes, not bothering to wipe them. I hear the officer get out of their car, and I sniff. I sigh, and they knock on my window. I snap my head to the window, and my eyes go wide.

Holy shit, he's hot as fuck! I quickly roll down my window, and sniff once more. "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" He says, smirking. I look down, and shake my head. "Sir, you were going fifteen miles over the speed limit." I gasp. "I-I.. I'm so sorry officer. A lot has happened today, a-and I didn't even notice I was going over." He shakes his head. "Sir, are you okay?" He looks at me worriedly.

I look up at him, then look back at the wheel. "My fiancé cheated on me, and my adoptive parents abandoned me in the same day." He sighs, and puts his hand on his hip. "Sir, since you've had a rough day, I'll let you off. Do you perhaps need a place to stay?" I smile, and shake my head. "No, sir. Thank you, though! I already have somewhere I'm staying."

He nods his head, and writes down something on his notepad. He hands it to me, and smiles. "My number, name, and address if you ever need anything. Have a good day, sir." He salutes me with two fingers, and walks back to his car. "T-Thank you!" I shout from my window, and he just smiles.

He turns on his car, and speeds off. Fuck, I just landed myself a date! Fucking bastard thinks I'm stuck on him, but I have news for his ass. Let's read this note.. Hm, Nicholas Anthony? Heh, pretty hot.

I finally pull up to Mark's house, and o ring his phone. "Hey, I'm here." I say, then hang up. I turn off the car, and open the car door. I grab my bag, and pause. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, and I pull it out.

Incoming call from: My King 👑💞

Ugh, this fucker.. Guess I'll answer?


"Where the fuck are you?! It's 10:00 pm, and you're not home! What did I tell you about doing this shit?!"

I sigh. "Shut the fuck up, you cheating bastard. I saw you with that other bitch, and I ain't HAVIN' it. Go fuck that whore, and don't worry about me! Oh, by the way.. The weddings off, k?" I say, then hang up the phone and block his number.

A few more tears yearn to escape my watery eyes, but I deny them access to. I sigh, and shut the car door. I then walk up to the door, and knock on it. Mark jumps out from behind the door, and attacks me with a hug. I put my head in the crook of his neck, and hug him tightly. After a few minutes, we let go. "Man, I missed you so much, B." I smile. "Me too, M."

~2 Hour Time Skip~

After getting settled in at Mark's house, I look at the slip of paper that cute officer gave me. I smile, and dial the number on my phone.

Ring... Ring... Ring...


"Hi, is this Nicholas?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"The dude you let slip because he had a bad day, but most people call me Brayden."

"Haha, well it's good to talk to you again, Brayden."

"Same to you! I wanted to thank you again for letting me off the hook today.."

"Hey, we all have our bad days. It'd be rude of me to make your day worse."

I smile. "Thank you, Nicholas."

He chuckles. "You can call me Nick, cutie."

I blush. "Haha, thanks for the pet name."

I can feel the smirk in his voice. "No prob, doll."


"Oh, I meant to ask you a question."

"Oh, sure. What is it?" I feel nervous about what he's going to ask.

"Wanna meet at like a restaurant or something for dinner? I was hoping we could get to know each other better."

"O-Oh, s-sure! Which one?"

"Maybe like, Raegan's or La Mera?"

"Sounds cool! I personally haven't been to La Mera in sooo long, haha. I used to live here, and I'd sneak out to go eat there with my friends. I guess we could go there?"

"Sure, sounds nice. I'll meet you there at around.. Maybe 7 pm?"

"Great! I'll see you there, Nick."

"See you there, dolly." He says, then hangs up.

Shit he's so fucking hot. Calling me dolly, and cutie is so damn cute I could die! Ugh, I have to tell Mark about this. I lay down my phone, and walk out of the guest bedroom. I go to Mark's door and knock on it. "Hey, Mark? Can I come in?"

"Yeah, come on in!" He shouts back to me over his music. I open his door, to see him only in his boxers. I blush a little, and go to his closet. I rummage through it a bit, and throw a hoodie at him. "At least put on some fuckin clothes, man. Have some dignity!" I shout.

He catches it, laughing. "I didn't think you'd care, Princess." He says, batting his eyelashes. "Aw, shut up." I punch his chest, but it didn't seem to affect him. "Ow, that hurt." He says, pretending to be hurt.

I chuckle, and priss over to his bed. "Since I'm a princess, you must allow me this." He gives me a face of confusion. He flinches, as I hop into his lap. "Woah, woah, B." I cackle. "You're my seat, peasant." He laughs, and pats my head. He kisses my cheek, and I smile.

"So, tell me what happened, BB."


In Their House | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now