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Brayden's POV:

No fucking way.. Daddy, Papa, and.. some.. Twink?! No, No, No, No, No! This isn't possible. Wait, is this real? Am I seriously dreaming right now? Fuck, they're coming towards me. Will they recognize me, will they not?! Fuck, I guess they moved on.. Well, fuck them.

"Hello, can I get a caramel cappuccino?" Daddy- I mean.. Austin says. I nod, and ring him up. Fuck, fuck, I'm gonna have to tell him his price. "A-Anything else..?" Austin looks back at Jack and that little rodent, and asks if they want anything.

The little bitch runs up behind MY DA- No, no. He runs up behind Austin, and attaches himself onto his shirt. I clench my fist, and smile at the boy. "Would you like anything?" I ask him, sweetly. He gives me a glare, and turns his head towards Jack. "I'm not a fucking child, got me?"

I give a little chuckle. "Well, neither am I, so don't talk to me any way you fucking like, little boy." Austin slams his hand on the counter. "Don't you DARE talk to MY son like that, bitch!" He screams loudly. I just stand there for a minute, everyone staring in our direction.

"Heh.." He stares at me. "What's so fucking funny, jokester?" I look up at him with a tear threatened to drop from my eye. "Your son, huh?" "Yeah, he's my son." A single tear rolls  my face. "Do you replace sons?" "Who the fuck are you to ask me that?!" I smile sadly at him. "Your EX-son, apparently." His eyes go wide.

"B-Brayden..?" I growl. "Don't ever put my name in your mouth again, you sicko." I slam the register shut, and walk to the back. Tears falling constantly, I run over to the manager, sobbing. "Hey, hey, Brayden?! What's wrong??" I sob into her shoulder, barely able to stand. "I-It's my ex-fathers.." I spit out.

She gasps, and holds me closer. "Do you want me to cover for you?" She pets my head. I sniff, and look up at her, "W-Will you..?" She hugs me. "Yes, just go home for the day. You can take tomorrow off, but boss won't be happy if you take off more than one day.." I sniff again.

"Th-Thank you, Jessica.." She just pats my back. I run out the back door, and to my car. "BRAYDEN!" I hear Austin scream, and I look at him terrified. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I open my car door, and get in quickly. I shut the door, and start the car. Austin bangs on the car window, while Jack and the little brat just stand there and watch.

I open my glovebox, and pull out a safety gun I carry for emergencies. I point it right at him through the glass, and he stops. I mouth, 'back the fuck up.' He slowly backs away, and I pull out of the parking lot. I speed home, and pull into the driveway.

I grab my bag, wait. Fuck, my bag! Ugh, I'll just get it tomorrow.. At least I have my phone. I knock- Wait, what's that sound? M-Moaning..? Oh my fuck if he's cheating on me.. I wipe the tears from my eyes, and go over to our bedroom window. I look in, and see JJ fucking some chick with huge boobs. "Oh my.. What the fuck.." Tears won't stop now, falling into my mouth.

I taste the saltiness of my tears, and I wipe them away from my eyes. I run back to my car, and speed back to the cafe. I look and see if those fuckers are still there, but I didn't see them. I run in the back, and see it's unlocked. I go in, and I spot my bag. "Yes!" I whisper/shout to myself.

I grab it, and run back out. I hop in the car, and speed off again. I go to the bank, and take out all that fuckers money. If he wants to fuck some other bitch, then he can take her money. I smile evilly, and pull out of the bank. I pull into the parking lot of some random restaurant, and park.

I just sit there, wondering what the hell I'm going to do now. I pull out my phone, and dial a number I never thought I would again.

Ring... Ring...Ring...

(Only visible dialogue is Brayden speaking)

"Hello, is this Maria? Yes, I'm requesting to know the whereabouts of Mark Jackson." "..." "Yes, This is Brayden Philips. I used to be in that orphanage before I was adopted by my two fathers." "Yes! That's him, thank you so much. Which street again?" "Okay, thank you so much Maria."

I guess I should call him before I just pop up out of nowhere..

I pull out my phone, and dial his number.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Hello?" I hear a high pitched voice answer. "Hi, is Mark around?" I hear silence. "Yeah, you need him?" The child-like voice replied. "Yes, I'm an old friend of his." I hear pitter patter of little feet, then hear a deep voice. "Hello?" I hear a chocolate-like voice ring through my ears, as I can immediately tell that it's Mark.

"Hey Mark, this is Brayden. You remember me?" I say sheepishly. "Oh my gosh, B?" I chuckle. "Yeah, it's me." He sighs. "It's been too long.. Anyway, did you have a specific reason why you wanted to call me, or..?" I sigh heavily. "It's.. It's too much for me to explain on the phone. D-Do you think I could come and stay at yours until I'm on my feet again..?"

He gasps. "Is that even a question?! Of course you can, B!" He laughs. I give sigh of relief. "Hah, Gosh, thank you so much Mark. You're a gem, my king!" We both chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. Oh, my address is 128 Averson Drive, by the way. I'll see you when you get here, B! Now I gotta go, but call me when you're here. K? Bye bye!"



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