Chapter Two: Holy Hell

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No one POV
Asta joined the black bulls and went to their hideout. He immediately felt out of place when he saw people partying. Everyone stopped to look at him. "Who's this runt?" Asked a drunk lady with pink hair. "He's a new member of the black bulls, alright take care I'm gonna take a nap." Captain said. A boy with brown hair created a portal and sent our Captain to his bedroom.

"Woah! Who's this guy! You want to fight!" A energetic boy bounced in front of him. He had blonde hair and big blue eyes. "My names Luck! The lady with the pink hair is Vanessa! The loser over there with black/blue hair is Magna!" "You Punk get over here!" Manga yelled. Asta adjusted his mask clearly uncomfortable. The boy who made a portal earlier spoke up, "My names Finral. The big guy is Grey. You see that creep in the corner and the weirdo?" He asked. He was pointing at a guy with black circles over his eyes and a guy having a nosebleed over a picture of a little girl.

Asta POV
"That's Gauche and Gordon!" He said. A noisy brat with white pigtails stomped up to me. "And I'm Noelle. I'm royalty so show some respect!" She practically screamed. I winced at how loud she was. "I'm Charmy! Nice to meet you!" Said a voice. I looked around but I couldn't see them. A sharp pain came from my leg, "ow" I said bluntly. I looked down and saw a short girl with black hair. She began chattering and lecturing me on how I wasn't  supposed to make fun of short people. Ha and I thought I was short. I rolled my eyes and headed to my room.

The room was dirty and clearly hasn't been used in a long time. I quickly went to bed. I was exhausted from today.

Time skip :b

Astas POV
"I can give you what you desire~"
"Who are you? What do you want?!" I yelled.

Astas POV"I can give you what you desire~""Who are you? What do you want?!" I yelled

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"No need to yell now. I just wanted to help you achieve some of your goals~"
"I don't need help." I said firmly
I opened my eyes to see a room filled with red. I was standing of the ledge when I saw something unbelievable. A demon. He looked like he could touch the sky. "I can give you anything~" He said. "What do you want in return?" I asked. "It's simple I just want control over your body~" he said.
I denied. I knew If he took over my body it wouldn't be good. I closed my eyes hoping this dream would end.

I opened my eyes

The demon was right there

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The demon was right there

Staring at me

I couldn't move

My mind raced

"Are you denying me?" He said in a mad tone

I froze.

"You made a mistake"

He smiled crazily.

Suddenly it went black.

My last memory was of me getting swallowed.

I shot up in bed. My mind felt as it was about to explode. My heart rate was off the charts. I stumbled out of bed and I o the kitchen scavenging for some water. I was still breathing heavily. I felt like passing out. "You okay buddy?" Asked Finral. My head swung in the direction Finral was in. He was sitting down next to everyone. My eyes shot around the table. I saw it. Water. I practically teleported to the tables and grabbed his cup of water and chugged it. "Woah! Asta! That was my cup man!" Said Finral in a disappointing tone.

I sat down in a chair and stepped on someone foot, I didn't care who it was and I didn't care if they got mad. I was exhausted. "Oi! Stupista! YOUR FOOTS ON MY SHOES!" Noelle screeched. Noelle then proceeded to cast a water spell on me. I didn't hurt but I was pretty annoyed. "What gives you the right to do that!?" I said. "I'm royalty! Be happy I let you off!" Noelle said obnoxiously.

God I hate her.

End of episode!

Thanks for that one read that I got! I'm truly grateful!

689 words!

(Whoever read this comment so I can shout you out!)

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