Chapter Thirty-Seven: Monster

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Asta's POV
I watched a a mutilated giant walked out onto the arena. He had a bag over his head with holes for his eyes. He was holding a big axe... a very big one.
"AARGH!" The monster yelled.
Perfect! This guy will be easier to take down than I thought.
He seemed to have anger issues by the way he lashed out at the people escorting him.

Alright. Let's start this match.
The big man lunged at me and raised his axe high.
I snickered as his axe got stuck in the ground.
"AARGHH!" He yelled agrivated.
I quickly jumped on the axe and started running up the handle.
"GRR-" he then yelled trying to get his thing unstuck. I felt the axe move a bit.
I pulled the machetes out from my pant legs and ran faster. Letting out a toothy grin.
    I'm almost at the edge!
He's so done! He's just a one shot-


"HEHAHE!" The mutilated monster laughed.

Ah... it looks like he got his axe unstuck.

I plummeted to the ground because I was flung up by the motion of this beast's axe.

"GAH-" I yelled and blood sputtered of my mouth.
Just then the screams in the crowd grew louder.
When my eyes finally adjusted I saw one of two things.
1. The Boss has a frown on his face.
(He lifted the mask up to drink)
2. An axe swinging it's way back down to me.

Well safe to say I almost got my arm chopped off.
"crckk-" I said gritting my teeth as I rolled over. I definitely had broken ribs.
But that's nothing.
I got up and ran straight at the giant. He laughed and some his axe at me but yet again. As he was about to swing I ran even faster.
I'll cut his legs down and skin him alive! I thought daydreaming about the thought.


I was slammed into the wall. This time I threw I blood.

"AGH-" I screamed. It was light I was shot 1000 times by The Gun of Fun.

"Your dead!!!" The monster yelled.

My eye sight blurred a bit.
Then someone threw something at me and yelled,
        "Asta! Catch!"

Thanks for 7k!!!!
Sorry for the cliffhangers ( ̄▽ ̄)
Anyway see you on Tuesday!

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