No ones POV
Luck shivered with fear. He could barely move. Asta's bloodlust was through the roof.
Charmy finally made her move after hiding under the table.
She cast a spell that trapped Asta.
Astas Head turned in her direction. Charmy immediately looked down to the ground. Like there was a force holding her head down. Asta unleashed even more bloodlust.
"Dark Magic: Deadly Vapor"
A black luminous snake came out of the shadows. The snake coiled around Charmy squeezing her until she coughed blood. The snake disappeared as soon as Charmy passed out.
"CHARMY!" Luck raced over to Charmy.
The spell that trapped Asta disappeared. Asta lunged at Luck.
Suddenly chains came out of nowhere.
"Alright kid. Playtimes over." Captain Yami said as he walked through the door with Gauche and Grey.
Asta struggled. He screamed trying to unleash himself from the chains. Luck ran to Yami. "Well? WHAT HAPPENED?" Yami yelled.
"He just started attacking out of nowhere!" Luck yelled.
Deep down Luck knew why he was attacking. "I-I didnt know Asta would do that!" Luck said under his breath.
Unfortunately Yami Heard- this.
"What do you mean Luck?" Yami said
Luck looked around a pit
"L-look! What about Vanessa! Ah-she's Stuck! Magna and Finral too!" Luck said clearly changing the conversation. Yami noticed this but decided to ignore it because Luck was right.
"Alright let me just take care of Asta first-" Yami turned around.
Asta was nowhere to be found.
"What the fuck?!?" Yami said.Astas POV
I slipped out of the chains Captain Yami put me in.
A frown crept onto my face.
If I didn't stop myself I would've killed them all. I can't do anything about it now. My bloodlust is through the roof. I really need to quench my thirst. A twisted smile plastered onto my face.ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤTIMESKIPᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
No ones POV
Guts splattered all of the place.
Blood painted the town red.
Ripped open carcasses were scattered through out the town.
Children crying at the scene while adults threw up at it.
Organs scattered on the floor.
Crazed laughs.
Now, this was the best day of Asta's life. It's not everyday such a scene could be seen. Astas smile stretched ear to ear. He had scraped legs, scratched arms and bloodied fists. He killed one to many people today. Luckily for him he just happened to stumble across a gang known for murdering prostitutes. Asta left all the bodies without organs. He carried dozens of hearts, livers, and lungs in a sack he carried over his shoulder.
Anyone who crossed his path were Met with a menacing smile. It made them almost dash away.Asta went down the same path Luck had took him down earlier.
"You know what I'm gonna make it how I want it!"
End of episode!
603 words
Sorry I haven't updated for 2 days! I went down to Kentucky for a wedding over the weekend!THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700 VIEWS!
Cya soon!

A Little Boys Chills
FanfictionAsta was tortured and beaten at the church. Everyone hated him. He left, living as a thief u til he could finally get his grimoires. Asta then found out that he could really use magic. He joined the Magic Knights to finally escape his life us misery...