Chapter One: Despair

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The sound of leaves crunching and screaming villagers filled the air. He was cornered and had no where to run. The villagers stomped and beat him until he was half dead. Asta could barely use magic. He couldn't protect himself.

Asta Shot up. He had just had a horrible memory. He is 15 now and sitting inside a tree outside of the church. He had been stealing food all over the town to live for the past 8 years. No one has ever caught him. He then saw that the ceremony where you get your grimoires.
He snuck inside and was waiting to be called. " Let's hope they Even call me." Asta thought to himself. He froze when he heard a certain name being called, "Yuno please step up!" the announcer called. Asta Shot his head up and stared at the person he hated the most. His blood boiled as he watched Yuno receive a 4 leaf grimoires. The people cheered and praised him saying he was the hope for the town.

Astas POV

The announcer called out the next name, "Asta please step up!" The people became quite. My footsteps broke the silence as I walked up to get my grimoires. Soon gossips started, people gawking in the crowd, and people laughing and taunting me. I turned to look at them.
My mask scared them off. Everyone watched in disgust.
Once I received my grimoires everyone was shocked. They could make out a five leaf clover on the front of my grimoires. I smiled thinking about all the ways I can finally get revenge.
As soon as the townspeople snapped out of their trance I was long gone. You see I trained for years so I could exact my revenge. I wasn't what you would say the "rung of the squad" anymore. I was more of the loner of the group, it sounds lame when I think about it but it is what it is. I opened my grimoires and a smile crept onto my face. This grimoires could give me anything I could've every imagined. This smile stayed on my face all the way to the clover kingdom. I set out camp right outside the clover kingdoms entrance since I didn't feel like going inside. Once I shut my eyes my head practically exploded with spells and techniques.

I shot my eyes open and stared in disbelief.

I opened my grimoires and there was dozens of spells. I seemed to remember all the spells. I was to tired to think anything of it so I went to sleep. "Hey kid wake up." A deep voice said. I woke up and looked at the person who said that. He was buff and had black scruffy hair. He was tan and had a black bulls logo. "You here for the magic nights test?" He said lazily. "Y-yes sir!" It has been a long time since I actually talked to someone. "Woah woah no need to be so formal kid. Come on it's gonna start soon." He said starting to walk. I shoved everything into my bag and ran to catch up with him.

(Timeskip cause I'm lazy :^)

Still Astas POV

I walked into this gathering of a bunch of people. People hear where chattering and practicing moves. Someone announced that we were fighting with a partner.

I looked around for someone to partner with. A hand fell onto my shoulder, "Baha!" I winced at how loud he was "You are going to be my partner!" He declared. I nodded. We formed a circle and the announcer called out Th s first people who would fight, "Asta and (idk his name)!" We went into the center and got into our stances. My opponent yelled something mockingly. I sighed and let out my bloodlust.

My smile was wide but no one could see it from under my mask

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My smile was wide but no one could see it from under my mask.
I had a unbelievable amount of bloodlust. My opponent quickly fainted and people started to throw up from the amount coming from me. The referee almost passed out while going to check on my opponent. I held my bloodlust back in when it was declared my win.

Once everyone's matches finished the magic nights captains starting choosing who would be on their team. Asta was up to get chosen. All the team captains raised their hands. I knew which team I wanted to be on, "I'd like to be on the Black Bulls." I announced. People gawked are me. I wouldn't blame them after all I chose the black bulls over the golden dawn. I could care less about what team I'm on.

The end of the episode 🤧

It's is my first fanfic ever so I hope you're enjoying it!

777 words

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