Asta was tortured and beaten at the church. Everyone hated him. He left, living as a thief u til he could finally get his grimoires. Asta then found out that he could really use magic. He joined the Magic Knights to finally escape his life us misery...
💖Hey you! I just want to say how much I appreciate you reading this far 💖. When I started this I honestly thought it wouldn't go anywhere. I just did it for fun. Thank you thank you thank you to those who followed! Please comment or vote so I can shout you out next episode.
Asta's POV "Now where's Patri?" I said stomping my foot on his face. I stared down at the elf struggling to form words. "" he slurred out.
I rolled my eyes. "Mhm, yeah see you there dipshit."
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Blood splattered on the walls and debris.
His brains spilled out of his head. I scoffed and looked around.
"Oh hey, Vermilion are you okay there?" I said my eyes landing on her.
Vermillion POV I touched my face to see if I was still alive. I couldn't believe it. One moment I was certain I was going to die but the next I was watching some guy get his brains stomped out.
"Oh hey, Vermillion are you okay there?"
Asta's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I stared at him for a second.
"Never been better."
I responded, regaining all confidence. I smiled a fiery smile at Asta. He then gave a small smirk back.
Asta looked in That direction then back at me.
"Ya think we should go down that hall?" He said pointing to where the boom came from. "Hell yeah!" I yelled.
Asta's POV We followed the booms down the hall. Each boom getting louder and louder. I dreaded for the moment I see Patri.
I know what I'm here for. Im here for the antidote.
Images of Luck flashed in my head.
I will save you luck. Even if it kills me.
Finally we saw a big hole in the wall. I laughed as I strutted in.
"The life of the Party Has Arrived!" I said smirking.
It was silent. "Uhhhhhh what the fuck?" I asked myself.
"Who the hell is this runt?" A tick mark appeared on my head. I slowly lifted my head.
These guys are calling me a runt?
Hahahah- try again.
"You might wanna try looking in the mirror Icicle man and breeze boy." I rolled my eyes as I looked at them.
(Can you guess who they are?)
Suddenly a blade of wind flew at me. I dodged and stared at Yuno.
He looked......different?-
"Did you get a hair cut or something Yuno?"
I stared at Yuno. Studying his new features. Wait a minute? He looks a lot like the elf I killed back there.
"Who's Yuno?" Klaus asked.
I turned back and looked at Vermillion, but she looked just as confused as I was.
"It seems it's the owner of the body I'm in."
I stared at him and Klaus.
Thats not Yuno or Klaus
I glanced back at Vermillion. It seems Vermilion knows that too. "try and make them remember-" She mouthed to me.