Chapter Fourty-Three: Deal

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Asta's POV

"Hello Asta~"
My head shot up. I help Luck I'm my arms.

I screamed at him. I coughed up some blood. My throat has never been more dry.
"They reincarnated me quite early haven't they..."
I glared at him.
"Answer me dickhead."

"Now now, you don't need to talk to me like that."
He paused.
"I am here for a proposal. It seemed that your friend was getting in the way, so I drugged him."

"What's your proposal..." i said lacing my words with venom.

This guys dangerous. I can't beat him unless I have my grimoires.

"I had one of my men watch you. I've seen what your capable of. Your magic is certainly astonishing. You're in a bastardized system Asta. No one cares who you are or where you are. They only care for money, am I right?"
His words struck me like lightning. Does anyone even notice I'm missing? I've been gone for more than a day. What about Luck? Are they worried about luck?
I stayed silent.

"I'm the leader of the Midnight Sun, Asta

                        Join us~"

My eyes widened.

"Come on Asta. From an Elf to The Devil~"


I laughed.

"Devil? I'm a devil? Give me my fucking grimoires and I'll show you The Devil."
My words laced with venom. I stuck my hand out.

The man infront of me stared at my hand and then chuckled.

"Sorry Asta but I'm afraid I'm don't know where it is~"

End of episode.
I'm gonna double update so expect another episode in 10 minutes maybe :)

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