Chapter Fourty-Four: Runner

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Asta's POV
He doesn't know where my grimoires is? Wait... Luck had it last which means it should be in the showroom-
I shouldn't wait.

Asta dashed trying to make a run for it. Patri took off right behind him. Patri didn't have to chase him but he still did.
"Running now aren't we~"
"I'll come back for you luck just wait!"
Asta ran through the halls not ever looking behind him. Not even wasting one second to think. Finally a sign showed up that said "Battle Room" Asta dashed into the room. He was met with rows and rows of chairs. His eyes searched the rows finally spotting Lucks Chair.
Asta then flinched at the loud footsteps stomping from behind him.
He didn't waste a second and ran up the rows.
"Fuck..." Asta Said as he came too dead end.
"I caught you Asta~" Patri said closing in on Asta.
Asta glanced at the balcony and smirked.
"Ya think?"

He quickly ran for the balcony Patri following right behind him. Except when he jumped he turned around, grabbing the rail of the top balcony.

Asta's POV
I pulled myself up and searched the balcony my eyes landed on my demonic looking Grimoires.

No ones POV
"Hand over the antidote~" Asta Said. His smile was twisted and his eyes were no better, he was oozing bloodlust.

Patri looked at Asta.
"We could've been great together Asta. But it seems you've made up your mind. And for the antidote, I'm taking it with me :) You'll have to beat me first Asta~"
Patri turned around and help his arms out. Jumping off the edge.
Asta embraced to the edge expecting the worst. Except all that was there was the rotting carcass off the big monster he had fought earlier.
Asta sighed.

Asta's POV
"He took off with the ducking antidote! Asta you piece of shit! Why didn't you stop him ducking moron-"  I  yelled at himself, slamming my fist against the wall.
"Dark Magic: Demons Egg"
An egg shape dark eerie magic surrounded me. It healed me quickly. I stepped out of the egg and made my way back to Luck.
How I wish I was good enough.

End of episode :) cya next week

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