The picture above is what Asta looks like
No ones POV
Noelle has a whole fit screaming about how she's royalty and that Asta needs to apologize. "ugh" Asta groaned. "What are you upset about stupista!?" Yelled Noelle "Jeez be quite, im sorry okay?" Asta said loudly "Hmph! You could've just apologized early! But NO you had to wait til the last second to apologize! How did you even get into the Black Bulls!? God your so Useles-""Dark Magic: silencing smoke"
Dark smoke covered Noelles mouth restricting her form talking. Asta chuckled as watched Noelle struggle trying to get out of his silencing smoke.
"Hey, we got a new mission." Captain Yami said as he came into the kitchen.
"Woah what happened to her?" Yami asked.
"Oh, she was just talking to much." Asta responded
"Well good Choice. Anyway I'm gonna send Asta, Luck, and Noelle on the mission." Said Captain Yami.Astas POV
I looked at him and then looked at Noelle in disgust. Of course they couldn't see me because of my mask.
Noelle began struggling again, I can see her moving her mouth trying to y'all but my silencing spell is top notch. "Alright when is the mission." I asked
"You leave in twenty minutes so go pack, I'll give you the coordinates. Oh and by the way i Heard the Golden Dawn will be there too, so don't be mad if they take all the credit."
I cringed at the Golden Dawn. After all Yuno was on that team. I sighed and shoved some things inside my bag. I grabbed Luck who was bouncing around and Noelles who was wiggling on the floor.
She looked like a caterpillar.Time skip
Yunos pov
We were heading to the dungeon to collecting some treasure or something.
"I heard that the black bulls are going too" said my teammate. "Yeah they are a lot of trouble," said Memosa "make sure not to get caught up with them. I heard they got a small runt on there team." She said snickering.
I just nodded. I didn't like their gossip but it wasnt the worst thing ever.Noelles POV
I tried screaming but this spell won't come off. 'UGH GET THIS STUPID THING OFF ME!' I screamed that in my head. "We're here." Asta said as he went inside. I stood there. "Well? Get on with it Noelle!" Luck said as he dashed to follow Asta. I crossed my arms and started following them. I made my expression as angry as I can be! I am very angry and Asta won't take this off me! Suddenly Asta stopped. I took this opportunity and smacked his head. I heard snickers but i ingnored them.
A sharp pain took over my cheek. Tears rolled out of my eyes. I looked up and say Asta, his eyes bloodshot and clearly frustrated. I lowered my head.I was so scared.
Memosa POV
We made it into the center! Finally we could take a short break there. Yuno was far ahead of us so we ran to catch up. As soon as we got there I heard a snap. Like someone getting slapped across the face. I looked Yuno as saw he was staring furiously at the other side. I followed his eyes and saw a boy who looked like a demon and Noelle.WAIT. NOELLE?!?
A huge gasp left my lips as I say Noelle start crying. They seemed to be black smoke over her mouth. I'm guessing someone put a spell on her.Wait a second
Yuno snapped out of his thoughts and cast a spell "Wind Magic: Air blades!"
Blades sharp like knives shot towards Noelles attackers.
The demon boy got a sword out and it stopped the blades. It was such a rusty sword.Astas POV
"What are you doing here?" Yuno asked.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm here for the mission." I replied
"Ha! Well that's too bad we were here first. We'll get the treasure and a star."
I sighed. Yuno was still as cocky as ever.That didn't stop me from breaking his arm.
Yunos POV
I screamed at the sharp pain coming from my leg. I looked up to see nothing. Asta wasn't there only his teammates.
"Where is he?!" I screamed at Memosa.
"I don't know he was too fast!" She yelled back.'SNAP'
End of episode!
740 words

A Little Boys Chills
FanfictionAsta was tortured and beaten at the church. Everyone hated him. He left, living as a thief u til he could finally get his grimoires. Asta then found out that he could really use magic. He joined the Magic Knights to finally escape his life us misery...