Lucks POV
"Hey Vanessa can I ask you for a favor?"
I said.
"Yeah sure what is it?" She replied.
"Can you find out Asta's background?"
"Why should I?"
"Come on Vanessaaaaa-"
"No no no no!"
"He almost killed us Luck! You expect me to help him? Hah! You must've lost your mind!" She yelled cutting me off.I paused. She was right. Looks like I'll have to do some researching myself. I began walking to the door. I was going to the Black Market I had to know Asta's past! One way or another!
"Oh yeah, one more thing Vanessa. Asta really isn't a bad guy! He just needs some friends!" I yelled before walking off.
Vanessa was at a loss for words.Astas POV
I yawned as I sat up in bed. I felt a weird tingling sensation in my ear.
"Oh no!" I groaned
I stuck a finger in my ear and touched something hard.
"This is going to hurt!" I whined
I picked the hard thing out of my head. I winced in pain as I pulled out a beetle.
"Owww!" I moaned.
I felt blood drip out of my ear, but it was nothing new. Back at the church everyone would put bugs or dirt in my ears! Those really really hurt! They still hurt up to today \\\٩(๑'^'๑)۶////!
I looked around to see a hole in the wall where beetles were coming out of. I wasn't totally surprised because well this isn't exactly the best place to sleep.
I sighed as I got up. Let's do something productive! Just then I remembered the body. Something I also remembered was that I'm hungry! I Barged out of the Black Market and onto the streets I made sure I had my mask on as I walked down the road. It seemed the dead bodies were cleaned up from when I went on a rampage. The blood was soaked into the ground so there was no getting that oh. There were occasional dead bodies here and there. I looked around to see a big crowd around a billboard.I pushed my way to the front. I looked at the posters hung up. My mood instantly fell.
"not again" I mumbled.
There were wanted posters of me from yesterday when I killed dozens of people. I had my mask on so they obviously couldn't tell it was me. I looked at the bounty.
$5000 was the bounty over my head. I almost burst out laughing! That's not even a quarter of what I earn from a heart! What losers would take this! Hah! The bounty over my head is so low! I'm kinda offended though. I pouted ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ. Nothing I could do now!Murmurs started in the crowds.
"Where do you think we'd find him?" I heard someone say.
Wait a second. They're actually trying it! You know I wouldn't completely blame him! I mean I'd kill for 5000 dollars when I was five! Well I did learn how to kill and I pretty much did kill at five for 5000 dollars! Literally.
Well all I really have to do I keep my head down.
Wait a second!Lucks POV
I went to the Black Market and asked around.
"Do you know anything on Asta's past?" I asked a guy with shaggy hair and a dirty beard he reeks but it's whatever.
"Asta ey? What? You tryin to get the bounty over his head too? Screw off!" He spit at me. I dodged it.
What what?
I'm so confused!
I left with more questions than answers.
I cleared my head and went to see the beautiful view over the hill!
Once I arrived I was met with a horrible stench. Come to think of it! The town had the same horrible stench. My eyes quickly started to the dead body hanging from a tree. I was covered with scratches from head to toe. The guts were hanging out but still in contact with the body. The lungs were where the stomach was supposed to be. The jaw was gone and the tongue was hanging out. The eyes were popped out and the legs and arms had bones sticking out. I quickly noticed spelling on the ground in blood.
It read,"Ya like the new view Luck?
-Asta٩(๑'^'๑)۶"I laughed.
"Boy is he childish!" I said laughing

A Little Boys Chills
FanfictionAsta was tortured and beaten at the church. Everyone hated him. He left, living as a thief u til he could finally get his grimoires. Asta then found out that he could really use magic. He joined the Magic Knights to finally escape his life us misery...