Astas POV
I was going at intense speeds breaking a bone of his each time I passed him. I snickered at the fact that he couldn't see me.'SNAP'
I giggled. Breaking his bones were so much fun! Hahaha.
"Uhoh cant walk anymore?" I said with and evil smile.
He screamed in pain as his legs went limp.
This day can't get better.
Yunos Pov
"AGH Asta stop bouncing around!""That's it!" I pulled my grimoires out ", Now you gonna get it! Wind Magic: Windstorm!"
I was inside the middle of the windstorm thankfully.He can't get into here
That what I thought
"UGH!" I screamed
I turned around to see the Windstrom had vanished and so had Asta, his teammates, and what we were assigned to get!
I snickered while i took off with what we came there to get. Luck started sparkling and telling me how amazing that was.
I frowned
I took the silencing spell of Noelle.
" I hope you learned you lesson."
Noelles nodded
"Hey. What was the lesson again Noelle?"
I asked hoping to get a reaction out of her.
".......I-I should....never..hit-you." She practically whispered.
A smile creeped up my face as I got what I wanted.Time skip
Astas POV
We made it back to the hideout. "Oh you guys are back. I'll report this to the wizard king now, thanks bye. FINRAL GET ME TO THE WIZARD KING!" Captain Yami said.
Suddenly a sort of video call came up it was a guy with turquoise hair, Asta from the Black Bulls. Please report to my office. Yuno from the Golden dawn said you repeatedly attacked him and broke his bones." I snickered "I didn't do it. I'm just too weak!" I did a dramatic pose. It's fun finally talking to people and joking with them. Luck and Vanessa laughed. "Well looks can be deceiving come to the office immediately." "Okay mushroom head." I said sarcastically. Snickers could he Heard behind me.Finral teleported me to the office where I saw Yuno who was completely healed. I snickered. I sat down beside him and some little fairy started yelling in my ear. Jeez she was loud. Like a second Noelle. "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY YUNO! YOU BEAST! AHJFJSNFNSNSJFJ" she proceeded to hit me repeatedly. A tic mark appeared on my forehead.
"Oi! Knock it off!" I said
"NO YOUR A MONSTER!" She replied
I sighed. "Dark Magic: Muted Smoky prison."
Chain like smoke wrapped around her and smoke covered her mouth like Noelles.
I snickered at the sight.
"Anyway, I have to let you off with a warning now Asta. You cannot attack a fellow Magic Knight unless given a reason too." Said Marx
"I do have a reason! He was just getting on my nerves!" I said jokingly.
"That ISNT a reason! You attacked me for no reason!" Yelled a now pissed off Yuno.
"Oi! Don't forget YOU attacked me first dickhead!" I said firmly.
"You didn't get hurt! While I walked away with 2 fucking fractured legs!" Yelled Yuno
"Oh cry me a river! You got healed immediately after! Besides it's not like a few fractured bones will hurt, and believe me they don't hurt as bad as broken bones. Don't forget my past Yuno." I said angrily.
Before Yuno could respond Marx broke it up. "Alright alright, both of you will get off with a warning this time. Don't let this happen again!" Marc said annoyed. "Okay now GET OUT I HAVE WORK TO FINISH!" He then yelled.
I got up and started walking away.
"Hey! What About my fairy?! Release her!" Yuno said reminding me.
"Oops i forgot." I said as I scoffed and released the spell.Still Astas POV
Asta made it back to the black bulls hideout. "Soooooo how was it!" Said an eager Magna. "Eh nothing special. I just got off with a warning." I replied.
"Come to think of it what did you do to get a warning?" Magna asked.
"Oh I just broke some Golden Dawn Members legs. He's healed now but it seems he's still pissed he got his ass whooped like a baby." I said.
"Woah seriously dude! That's so badass! Ladies would be drooling over you!" He said with a little envy.
"Wait! Which Golden Dawn did you break? You know they will get you back." Magna said.
"Oh please, I whooped his ass once I'll whoop his ass again." I scoffed."Hey. We got another mission."
Cliffhanger :p
Thanks for 30 views! I really appreciate it. Comment some suggestions on how the story should go since I'm not so sure myself!
Cya guys tomorrow!

A Little Boys Chills
FanfictionAsta was tortured and beaten at the church. Everyone hated him. He left, living as a thief u til he could finally get his grimoires. Asta then found out that he could really use magic. He joined the Magic Knights to finally escape his life us misery...