Chapter 2

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*User left your channel*

W-what did I do?
Oh my god, I didn't mean to...
I stared at the screen blankly. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. 'I'm sorry'... I muttered as if that was going to fix anything now. I messed up... Should I call him back or should I wait until the meeting...?

I never meant to make this such a mess... I never thought that this would go this far...

I got up from my chair and grabbed my phone. I messaged Mega. No response.
A couple of minutes later, still no response. I stood there like an idiot. What am I saying, I'm an idiot. A total idiot. How could I say that...
I went to my room and sat on the floor with my back to the door. I brought my knees close to my chest. What do I do? I should call Darryl! Yes, Darryl! He'll help me, right? Or will he get disgusted by the way I acted towards Mega? No, he wouldn't think that.... Or would he? I don't know anymore.

I try so hard to make everyone happy but at the same time, I act like a total jerk. I try to meet everyone's expectations but... I'm sick of this feeling. I'm sick of not being myself. I'm sick of trying to be perfect. I'm sick of everything. I just want to be left alone.

After a long time, I finally got up. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. My vision was still blurry from all the crying but I was fine.

I checked my phone again. Still no response. Immediately I teared up. I wiped the tears away. Crying wouldn't help solve my problems. I'm being a baby.

My alarm clock went off. Is it already time for the meeting? What the actual Heck?! For how much time have I been sitting here? Ugh, whatever...

It was about 11:57 so I had to get on team speak, make a room, and message my staff to join. I didn't want to deal with this now but I knew I had to.

30 minutes later

The staff were talking while I was lost in my thoughts.


A staff member yelled at me, breaking the train of thoughts that were racing in my mind.

"Yeah, I'm here!"

"We thought you left. You didn't respond the first two times I said your name."

"W-Well uhh. I spaced out, sorry."

I have to talk to someone. I need someone to talk to about my feelings. I have to talk to Darryl. I need his help. I need him to help me sort things out. I'll do that after the meeting. He surely won't think badly of me...

Mega POV

I joined the channel and I kind of just sat there. I was listening to the others talk. I didn't feel like doing anything other than breathing. I noticed that Zelk was unusually quiet. Weird. When he spoke I could tell he was rather nervous. Eh, whatever. I was mostly focusing on my thoughts.
No one spoke to me since the meeting started. It's not like I care... No, it's not like they care. It's not like anyone cares.

"Earth to Megaa!"

Huh? 'I am here' I typed.

"Okay, what do you say about-"

Time skip to two hours later cause staff meeting is boring

Darryl POV

I was sitting in my bed scrolling through Twitter. My roommates were out so I was alone in the apartment. I went to get a glass of water when my phone started ringing. My dog barked at the sudden noise. Zak was calling.

Zak POV (sorry for changing POVs constantly)

"Hi Zak, what's up?"

"Hey, uhh. Can you h-help me please?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"S-so i uhh, i-i-"

"Hey there, take it easy. Breathe in and out. In and out."

I did as Darryl told me and I felt a bit better.

"Now, tell me what happened."

"So I was recording a video with Mega and... I said some, things to him."

"What did you say?"

"Well... Something that I regret."

"You couldn't have said something THAT bad."

"I called him a waste of my time and a mute freak..."

"Why would you say that!?"
Darryl was shocked by the tone of his voice. I should've expected that.

"In the heat of anger, I accidentally said what I said."

"Well, it's okay. Don't worry, you'll call him, explain yourself and apologize."

"Y-you don't think I'm a jerk, do you?"

"Well what you said was really offensive, but I know you didn't mean it, so no I don't think you are a bad person, Zak."

"Oh okay.. so uhh can I talk to you about something else too, or are you busy?" I was relieved that he didn't think that but, I felt bad for taking his time.

"You can talk to me about anything, I'm your best friend." Said Darryl in a calm voice.

"Lately I've wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with someone.."

"Why didn't you reach out to me or your family?"

"I thought I could get through everything on my own. I was wrong."

Darryl listened to me talk about my problems. Honestly, he's such a good friend. On the other hand, I'm not. I only cause chaos and make others around me sad.

"Thank you for listening to me and also thanks for the advice earlier."

"It's nothing you muffin head! I'm glad I could help you!"

I could feel myself smile slightly, even if no one could see.

Me and Darryl said our goodbyes and I hung up. It was late and even later in Cape Coral. I decided that I'd call Mega tomorrow. I got ready and went to bed.

Zelk POV

I left for the forest 20 minutes ago and I was still walking. I was wearing some old clothes my father gave me. My clothes always get torn apart, so that's why I wore these old rugs. No one was around, except for me, but I wasn't scared. Why would I be scared? It's not like anyone stands a chance against a werewolf.

I walked and walked until it was almost 4:40 am. Why am I not turning into a beast? Did I miss-count the days? I decided that I should keep walking. Not a minute later it happened. My vision got blurry. The pain was unbelievably unbearable. I felt everything within me burn. I squirmed on the ground for a good 30 seconds before the transformation began.

I felt my limbs get deformed. Hair grew on my body. I scream bloody murder as I felt the wolf ears pierce through my skin. Sharp white claws came out of my hands and pointy fangs grew in my mouth.

The pain become so terrible that I let another painful scream cut through the tense atmosphere. More yelps and other non-human noises followed. Finally, a growl escaped from my mouth.

I knew I wouldn't be in control for longer than 1 minute. My vision got worse and worse and I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. The moonlight shined on my grey fur. My fur was starting to become more orange than grey actually. I found that odd and a bit dope. I howled and then passed out.

I don't know how much time passed, but...

The last things I remember were... blood... Sirens... And many dead bodies...

Hii it's mee. This is such a terrible book lmao. I don't have anything more creative to say other than "Have an amazing day or night" so uhh. Have a fantastic dawn or a spectacular midnight is the most creative I can get. If somebody thought of this already then oof. See ya in the next chapter.

Word count: 1249

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