Chapter 5

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Zelk POV

I was laying in my bed when the morning sun burned my face. I squinted my eyes from the light.

I felt so glad I am leaving my parent's house, a.k.a. the cage I've been stuck in for so long.

My parents always told me that "You're a monster, no one will ever like you", "If you leave you'll end up on the streets, just like the animal you are" and other stuff like "Don't bother finding friends or a partner, they'll pity you until they discover the truth". These aren't probably the most hurtful words, but as a five-year-old, they cut me deep.

When I grew older their words didn't affect me as much, though their fists surely did. When I was 13, they started abusing me physically. They would do all sorts of things, and the abuse only got worse ever since.

I don't remember much from my childhood. Everything is like a blur. It's like a gap in my memory. I can't say that I don't have any good memories. The only good things I remember, are playing video games in my friend's house and spending time with my aunt. My aunt was the nicest person I've ever met. The most important thing about her. was that she cared about me. She didn't know about the years of abuse I went through, but she still cared. Unfortunately, she took her final breath the day after I turned 16. I don't know what exactly she died from, but I think it had to do with her heart.

After my aunt died I'd spend most of my days at George's house. He was one of my best friends and we still talk to this day. Of course, I've never said anything to him or anyone outside of my household. No one knows about my family. Can you even call that family?

Whatever. I decided that if I wanted to eat something I'd have to get up now. It was early, so I doubted that anyone was awake.

And I was right. The house was peaceful, for the first time in a long time. It's usually... You know, vociferous, or bloody.

I quietly made a sandwich, put it on a plate, and left to my room.

Everything is so quiet. I've missed this peace. Usually, I don't get up until 9 so my mother is awake.

I've never enjoyed silence this much.

I sat down in my chair and ate. While I finished eating, I heard a door slam open. What...?

I turned to face the door of my room. I wish I could lock it, but I don't have the key.

I was starting to panic. Should I hide? I can't just sit here like an idiot.

I swiftly moved to my closet and opened the door.

I hear loud footsteps and head straight for my room. Next thing I know, I hope in and leave the door open just enough so I could see outside. My father came into my room furiously.

He started looking around my room. I assume he is looking for someone to hit, and that someone is me.

First, he checked under my bed, then he yelled something along the lines of "Where are you little bitch". This sent chills down my spine

He continues looking for me as I start shaking.

This is not the first time I've been in this situation.

Suddenly he stopped. He froze right on the spot. 10 painful seconds pass before he turns his head towards the closet.

My eyes widened.

No no no no no no no, please no, don't check here...

I watch as he makes his way to the closet and stands right in front of it.

He's so close I'm almost certain that he can hear my heartbeat.

After a minute, that felt like 10, he walks away, like nothing happened.

There is no fucking way he didn't know I was here.

I waited a while, just to be safe.

Finally, I get out.

I tried to put my thoughts together but they are all over the place.

What the hell just happened?

I peeked outside my room. No one was in the hallway, though I could hear my father in the kitchen.

Why is he acting like nothing happened? I thought to myself.

I wanted to go downstairs and see what was happening, but I decided against it. I don't want to push my luck.

I went back to my room. I started at my PC across the room. I need a box. Two boxes, one for the PC, keyboard, mouse, etc., and one for my recording setup.

I haven't recorded it in a while. I've been busy. Busy with the staff meeting, the whole werewolf thing, and honestly I've been busy trying to survive.

Where can I find two big enough boxes? I can't just carry everything to my car.

I thought for a while. I came to the conclusion that I'd have to look in a dumpster.

I didn't want to search in the trash but that's my only option. I don't want to look around the house. If I move anything outside of my room I'll be in trouble. BIG trouble. I know from past experience.

I decided that the best way I could get out of the house unnoticed is to get out of the window. I have a window in my bedroom. I can see our backyard from it. There's also a tree in front of it so I can climb down safely.

Mega POV

I am sitting on a stool, in my kitchen, drinking the fourteenth cup of coffee.

I had finished some details in Zelk's new room.

Speaking of Zelk, we never were close. We are just friends, and colleagues.

We sometimes speak outside of work but that's becoming more and more rare. We have been growing distant from each other. I found it weird that he reached out to me suddenly, but what can I say? He's getting kicked out of his home, I have to help him out. After all, we are still buddies. I still care about him. As a friend, of course! Yeah, as a friend.

Mega what the heck?! Whatever, I should work on my sleep schedule. Well, it's not my fault that I can't have a peaceful night. I always have negative thoughts at night.

Even suicidal thoughts.

No, I'm not going to take my own life. Or at least I'm too scared to.

Sorry if the story has been a bit boring but it'll get better, I think.
Anyway, thank you for 12 votes and 146 reads! I started this book with low expectations but you guys are amazing and thank you for the votes!
I hope you have been enjoying the book so far!

Word count: 1088

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