Chapter 10

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Zelk POV

It's the next day, and I can't stop thinking about him.

He's been in my mind for hours and hours on end.

I never thought I'd be so obsessed with someone.

But only the thought of him being next to me in a couple of hours melts me.

This excitement is probably because we haven't met each other face to face before. I say to myself.

Harvey came by this morning and we chatted a bit. Though he had to leave because he needed to record.

Two hours barely passed and I could feel my heart beat faster.

It's just excitement for seeing my friend.

I heard a knock on the door.

My eyes widened.

"Come in!"

The doorknob turned to the sight of a nurse.

I was disappointed, to say the least.

She came to check up on me.

"You might be able to live a bit sooner"
She said as she examined a machine next to me.

"Like a day sooner?"

"No, like tomorrow, you're doing way better than expected."

T-tomorrow?! What?

She kept looking at the machine when a doctor came in.

They talked for a bit, before agreeing on something.

"Yeah, tomorrow you'll be leaving sir." Said the doc, sounding happy. Or relieved that he didn't have another patient to look after.

They left the room and shortly after someone else knocked on the door.

"Come in."

This time it was actually Mega.

He looked excited and slightly nervous.

He walked in the room and sat beside me. Then he held out his notebook, where there was a plain "hi" written.

We spent hours talking together. By talking I mean me talking and Mega writing.

"Hey uh, Mega?"

"Yeah?" He wrote down.

"The doc decided that I can leave tomorrow."

"Really? That's amazing!" Mega smiled.

"I was thinking, that maybe... Maybe I could move in with you straight away?"

"I don't see why not"

"So will you come tomorrow and pick up me and my stuff?"

"Yes sir"

I chuckled.

"Thank you, this means a lot to me, y'know."

"It's nothing you child"


"Yes, you're the one who whined and started fake crying when you lost at tic tac toe"

"BuT iT wAsN't FaIr, YoU cHeAtEd."

"What are you 12?"

"On a scale from 1-10, yes."
I immediately regretted what I said.

What the hell is wrong with you Zelk?!
Where did this confidence come from?!

Me and Mega avoided eye contact.

After a while of unbearable silence, I dared to look at him.

He's cheeks were still pink from my flirting.

Werewolves can love too - Zelkpvp (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now