chapter nineteen

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continuous rain, it was streaming down the windows and it had been a long time ever since the warm rays of sunshine had ever broke through the heavy wall of clouds.

that's at least what it felt like to all of the four in the morning, when yuri woke up in his old bed again for the second time, after his huge realization from the day before.

it didn't feel like earlier anymore, the house didn't feel as empty or lonely, it was as if the souls of the dead friends were here.

shino was already downstairs, brewing coffee while humming something underneath his breath.
was early on a friday still in august, the month was starting to come to an end.

minnie was laying on the couch, her eyes closed, it was still pretty early so the dark haired guessed she must be asleep.

the kitchen looked clean, the countertops shone with the little light that was able to break through the surface of thick clouds and illuminate the house.

"morning," yuri greeted, rubbing his eyes, still in his pajamas.
the clothing situation would get critical and he would have to go home soon to pack a few things.

but not for now.

park nodded with a genuine smile on his face, he looked calm and relaxed for once.
as if something good was going to happen today.


"we're going to over to eden's later, he says he has a surprise for us," he explained, pouring the coffee into two cups, one for him and one for yuri.

the dark haired yawned softly and raised his eyebrows at the statement.

"really? hope it's a good one," he laughed and walked happily around the counters to look for something to eat.

shino tried handing his friend the coffee mug but he shook his head at the gesture.
"i don't like coffee," he said and continued to open a few cupboards, before he found a half empty box of cheap cereal in one of them.

"i always thought you were more of a healthy eater," yuri mocked and fished the box out of the cabinet.

"yeah, me too. guess that didn't work out in my favor," the other replied with a chuckle while walking into the open living room and pushing the large windows open that reached from the ceiling to the floor.

the blond didn't really mind his friend just carelessly rummaging through his kitchen, it simply reminded him of older times and those times were beautiful for him.

so, this, in fact, felt very beautiful to him.

park shino was still living in that pretty spacious house, which was also the old house where the seven of them had lived together, that's why yuri didn't struggle with homesickness when he got here again.

because this house was like the only home he had ever had, his studio was here, his bed, the old paints and his artwork hanging around on the walls.

the blond didn't want to move out, because even though he had to deal with the old memories flying around inside this home, it also made him very complete to be here.

although at first his sister had to move in with him for a few weeks, to save him from losing his mind.

"when are we going?" the dark haired asked curiously as he looked for the milk in the refrigerator, to pour it over the cereal he had tipped over in his usual green bowl.

even the bowls were the same.

it felt weird at first to be back here and just being two people, to not have breakfast together as seven everyday.

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