chapter thirty one

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at least the sun was back. and it wasn't as cold anymore when yuri and eden entered the amusement park.

"okay there's not much i can tell you other than it's gonna be fine," eden laughed while dragging the other by his hand to one of the biggest rollercoasters.

it had loopings. like five of them, and yuri was scared of heights and scared of rollercoasters in general.

"no, stop, i'm not going," yuri answered back harshly and removed his hand from the black haired's grip.

both looked at each other.

"you said you weren't gonna waste another second."
"i didnt-"

eden scoffed.
"hey, i just know you'd want it that way, not to waste any moments again, you never know what might happen."

the black haired was great at convincing, and so, the older swung an arm around the younger's shoulder with a loud sigh and they got in line for the rollercoaster because he didn't want to be the disappointment again and because he knew the black haired was right.

it took them about seven minutes to get on the ride and yuri had almost thrown up twice already.
his heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to fall out of his chest into his hand.

he was a little dizzy, but when the rollercoaster worker adjusted their seatbelts and made sure nothing could happen to them with a huge smile, he felt reassured.
and also, because eden reached for his hand and gave it a soft squeeze and didn't stop holding it the whole time.

even in the five loopings, their fingers stayed intertwined and yuri closed his eyes, if he didn't know he was sitting in a rollercoaster right now, he would've thought he was flying, and when he thought he was flying, it all didn't seem so bad anymore.

he breathed out through his nose and in the last looping, he even let out a gentle scream as the adrenaline rushed through his body and consumed every piece of his veins.

yuri felt alive, and when eden gazed at him from the side, he could feel the energy pumping through his body and radiating towards him, making him laugh with such calmness it felt like it wasn't real.

it was odd, both of them being severely mentally broken, in their unique ways.
but right now, none of that mattered, they were just shy lovers on a rollercoaster.
however, the two of them faced their own biggest fear.

yuri showed emotion, allowing himself to look scared when the ride started and now screaming as he felt he was finally letting himself go.
and eden was serious and he didn't play around with the other, he loved him, and he wanted to tell him, today.

he had in fact before, but he wanted it to be special again, like he would do it for the first time.

the spectator ride was over as quick as it had started, and the dark haired exited with still wobbly knees and eden supporting his walk a little.

"so, you want some roasted almonds?" eden laughed and poked the others stomach which made him giggle like a little child.

"i never go to amusement parks without-"
"getting roasted almonds, i know, that's why i asked, you idiot."

yuri pushed the younger away and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"we're calling each other idiots now, huh?"

he asked seriously, the corners of his mouth dropping abruptly and the playful hint in his expression faded away.

eden opened his mouth to say something when yuri broke out in wild laughter.
"got you."

and he turned around on his heel, making his way to the roasted almond stand, eden jogging up close behind him and grabbing his hand again.
the other man didn't hesitate to tighten the grip of their hands and intertwined their fingers.

it all felt so perfect in the moment, so unrealistically perfect.

both got a little package of their almonds and decided to just take a walk around the amusement park, observing a few more rides, getting some cotton candy and canned coke before the sun was already setting and they hopped on a bench next to the ride they had started their journey from.

from this angle, they could see the red sun quite clearly, and how the sky changed color around it, and how also the clouds turned a soft shade of purple.

a lot of people were running around, laughing, getting on the rides and it was starting to get dark pretty fast, so eden had to hurry.

"do you want to get on the ferris wheel, you know, maybe we could see the sunset better," he suggested shyly and tried to hide the blush on his cheeks.

but yuri noticed and he found it adorable, he reached for his hand and swiftly dragged him along to the line of the ferris wheel.

luckily, it wasn't that long and they got in quite quickly.
they got in and sat across from each other, observing the city that got smaller the higher they got.
a few apartments and skyscrapers were already illuminated and reflected the beautiful orange and pink lights through their glass windows.

but, however, when the ferris wheel stopped, they weren't at the top at all, they were stuck somewhere in the middle, a said skyscraper blocking the way to the sunset.

"well, shit," eden giggled and decided to move next to yuri, resting his head on his shoulder.
he was disappointed that his romantic moment would be quite ruined because of the ugly view.

"i mean, at least we're not a the bottom, right?" the other tried to cheer the black haired up and moved a hand to brush through his soft hair.

eden let it happen and hummed gently.

the silence was very healing and both could sort out the thoughts in their heads.

but eden still hated silence over everything, and he couldn't hold back anymore.

he lifted his head from yuri's shoulder and cleared his throat so yuri would look at him.
the older raised his eyebrows at the red face of the other and tried not to burst out into laughter because he had rarely seen eden this awkward.

"yuri himato," the usual soft and smooth voice of eden filled the calm air.

yuri chuckled a little because eden had made his name sound so formal.
"yes, eden rosea?"

he closed his eyes and swallowed the hot saliva in his mouth.

"i love you," and he leaned forward to connect their lips again.

the kisses they shared were still very special.
and both were sure they would probably always be.

because it was always like this, when they were together, the problems that seemed so big in their daily life felt manageable.

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