Chapter 1 - (y/n)

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"(y/n)!" You heard and smiled before you stopped making the earth come up from the snow and got up and ran to your mother. 

"Mommy!" You say as she bent down and picked you up.

"How is my birthday girl?" She asked. You giggled. Today was your fifth birthday. 

"Good. I was making the earth come up from the snow." You say. She smiled and put you down. 

"Show me." She said. You gave a nod and turned. You moved your hand to the ground and lifted them. You felt the ground move but it was hard under the snow but you finally did it. A small, round piece of earth was floating in the air. You shot it out into the ocean and if did a few skips allow the water before it sank to the bottom. You looked at your mother proudly. She smiled and picked you up again.

"Oh sweetie, that's was amazing earth bending." She said. You hugged her and saw your father as he walked up. 

"It seems she has our ancestors bending." Your mother said. Your father smiled and hugged you as he took you. 

"Really? An Earth bender?" He asked. Your mother gave a nod and you smiled. 

"I want to hear the story again!" You said. He gave a laugh as they walked into a hut. 

"OK. Well, about ninety years ago, my great, great, grand mother escaped the Siege of Ba Sing Se. She, along with others soon founded this place here. While they were earth benders, their children adapted to the bending of water. Now, when a child in born with earth bending, we celebrate the day they are born as the day we became free." Your father said. You smiled and hugged him and gave a small yawn. 

"Come sweetie, Lay down and..." She said but looked out the door of the hut. You looked at rubbed your eyes, seeing black snow. 

"Fire nation." Your father said and he stood and walked out. Your mother looked at you. 

"(y/n), hide." She said. You then watched as she stood and ran out to be with your father. You move and watch from the door as a ship landed and fire nations soldiers walk out.

"What is the fire nation doing here?" Your farther asked. A man walked out. 

"We are here for the village. We heard their are water benders here." He said. Your mother moved closer to your father. 

"Yes. The whole village except one. Why?" Your father asked. The man then smiled and shot fire at them. You let out a scream as the soldiers started to attack and you saw your mother and father fall to the ground from being on fire, screaming loudly. You then see one of the soldiers look right at you and move to you. You stomped on the ground and lifted your hands into the air and made a wall of earth come in between you and him. It was hard but fear made you stronger. You moved and tried to hide but soon smoke came into the tent. You cough and put the wall down and ran out but someone grabbed you. 

"No! No let me go!" You screamed and tried to kick the person. 

"Sir, this must be the other bender they spoke of." He said. You see the man from before look at you and walks up. He puts his hand on your chin.

"She looks like a water tribe though." He says. You move your head and bite him. He laughs before he grabs your hair and makes you let him go. 

"But her manors are that of the earth kingdom. Take her on board and place her in one of the cells. I will let General Iroh know of her." He says. 

"But sir. He just lost his son." The man said as you struggled.

"And? He is still on this ship and our commander as of right now." He said. The one holding you gave a nod and walked on to the ship. 

"No! No!" You screamed and tried to fight but nothing worked.

"Shut your mouth brat." The man said and opened a door before he put you in it and slammed it closed. You started to shake and cry as you heard it locking. 

"Mommy! Daddy!" you screamed as you cried in the middle of the room.     

~A/N~ Thank you to everyone that voted!!




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