Chapter 4 - Fire nation.

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Iroh was with you as you watched the land of the fire nation getting closer. You moved closer to him.

"I'm scared." You said. Iroh put his hand on your head. 

"You have nothing to be afraid of." He said. That didn't help you as the boat landed and you walked with him. You then saw two men, a women and two children, a boy and girl. 

"Uncle!" The boy said and ran over. Iroh bent down and hugged him. 

"Prince Zuko. My, you have grown so much." Iroh said with sadness. Zuko hugged him tighter. 

"Zuko. Back away. I wish to speak with my son." The first man said. You looked and saw him wearing a pendent in his hair that looked like fire. A crown maybe? Zuko let Iroh go and Iroh stood.

"Fire lord Azulon. It is good to see you again." Iroh said and walked foreword. You followed him. The other man looked at you. 

"Iroh. You have a water tribe peasant following you." He said. Iroh looked at him. 

"No Ozai. This is (y/n). I will be training her." He said and looked at the women. 

"Lady Ursa, could you watch her for me till I return?" Iroh asked. The lady smiled. 

"Of course. Come Zuko, Azula, (y/n). Let us go to the gardens." She said. Zuko ran over to her and you looked at Iroh but he was already leaving. You then felt someone take your hand and looked. It the the girl, Azula. 

"Come on slowpoke." She said and dragged you. You catch up and see a huge castle. As you walk in, you end up in a garden in the middle of it. You look around. Azula lets your hand go. 

"Wow." You say and see a pound. You walk over. 

"Nice Huh?" Azula asks. You give a nod, not seeing her smirk. You then feel her push you and you fall in. 

"Azula!" You hear as you surface and climb out but you slipped back in, coughing.

"What? She fell mother." Azula said as Zuko helped you out. You glared at her and stomped your foot on the ground, making a rock come up and hit her foot. 

"OW!" She yelled and glared at you. You looked away from her.

"Azula, your room now." Ursa said. Azula humphed and walked off. Zuko looked at his mother. 

"(y/n), are you OK?" Ursa asked. You gave a nod. 

"Yeah, its only a little water." You said. She gave a nod. 

"Zuko, I will go and get her some clothes, take her to the bath house and get her a towel." Ursa said. Zuko gave a nod and walked with you. He opened the door and you walked into a huge room. The room had a huge hot spring in it. Zuko moved and grabbed a few towels and handed them to you. 

"Here." He said. You took them and smiled before you wrapped them around you. 

"Thank you." You said. He gave you a wide smile. 

"Your welcome. My name is Zuko." He said. You held your hand out. He shook it.

"Nice to meet you Prince Zuko. I'm (y/n)." You say. He lets your hand go after your finished shaking it. 

"You can just call me Zuko." He says. You smile and the door opens and Ursa walks in. 

"Alright Zuko, wait outside." She said. Zuko gave a nod and walked out. She looked at you and smiled. 

"Alright (y/n), get undress and put these on." She said and held out some clothes from the fire nation. You hesitated and looked at your clothes. 

"What's wrong?" She asked. you looked at her. 

"What will happen to my clothes?" You asked. She smiled. 

"They will be washed and returned to you. I can make sure of it." She said. You smiled and took the clothes.  

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