Chapter 7 - Training

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You looked at the board before you moved your tile. You then smiled at Iroh as he looked at the board. He then smiled. 

"I see my daughter has beaten me once more." Iroh said and reset the board. You looked and saw the cloudly skys and stood. You moved to the edge and looked at the snow. 

"(y/n)!" You heard Zuko scream and looked at him. 

"We are close to the south pole. I need to you talk to them." He said. You sighed. 

"Zuko, we have been this way before." You say. He opens his mouth but his face lights up and you look, seeing a huge deem of light.

"Uncle! The light came from a very power source!" Zuko yelled. You gave a nod. 

"I think we should visit the south pole." You say and look at Iroh. He gave a sigh and a nod.

"Captain. Head to the south pole." Iroh said. You smiled and looked at Zuko before you looked away and blushed. Over the past two years of being on a small ship, your crush on the prince only grew. 

"Once we get there, we will let (y/n) speak to them. She is the kindness and always gets the villagers to trust her." Zuko said. You blushed more. 

"Z-Zuko." You whispered. He always made your heart flutter. He then looked at you. 

"I need practice. Want to help?" He asked. You gave a nod. You moved to the edge and took in a deep breath. As you let it out you reached your hand out and grabbed the air. You slowly took in air and lifted your hand. The snow fell from the earth as it floated into the air and you brought it on the the ship. You formed it into rocks and got ready. Zuko got into his pose and you saw Iroh moved and ready to watch. You then punch and the rocks go flying at Zuko and he starts to fight them. 

"No Zuko! Power comes from within." Iroh said. Zuko took a deep breath. We was only using his physical strength. 

"Come on Zuko. You master this, Iroh can teach you the next part." You said. Zuko gave a small nod and you fire more at him. This time you saw he was breathing more and using his fire as fire and not as strength. Iroh clapped. 

"Very good Prince Zuko. Now, you are ready for the next lesson." Iroh said. Zuko gave a nod and looked at you. 

"Thanks to (y/n). She helps a lot." He says. You smile and give a yawn. 

"And I plan to rest." You say and walk in and go to your room. You sigh and lay down but you grab some earth and bend it a bit. You were scared. The last time you were here, you never landed, only sailed around but you also never left your room. You put the earth back on your table and turned, looking at the wall.

"What if someone knows me." You whisper. You knew that was unlikely but it still scared you. You closed your eyes and remembered your mother and father. Would they be proud of you or would that hate you? You loved Iroh and were proud that he adopted you. He was your Papa. You closed your eyes and gave a sigh. You then heard a knock and your eyes opened. You sat up and yawned. 

"Come in." You say. The door opens and Zuko walks in. 

"Zuko." You say. He walks up and sits on the bed.

"You OK?" He asks, you give a nod. 

"Yeah, why?" You ask. 

"I can tell your upset." He says. You sigh but he moves closer to you. You blush and his lips touch yours. 

"(y/n)." You hear and your eyes snap open from the dream. 

"We are getting near the south pole. Iroh and Prince Zuko asked me to wake you." The captain said. You wanted to cry, scream and yell all at once. 

"Be out soon." You say and sit up. 

Why did your dreams always feel so real? 

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