Chapter 13 - Meeting

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You were looking at the ground as you flew. You then saw your ship.

"We are down there." You say and point. They fly down and you See Iroh and Zuko, along with the rest of the ship, getting ready to fire. You stand. 

"Wait!" You shout and wave. The whole ship stops and you land, jumping down. 

"(y/n)!" Zuko yells and runs over. You run and he hugs you. 

"We heard the town was destroyed and we got worried." Zuko said. You smiled, a blush on your face as you hugged him back. 

"Zuko, i promised that you would talk to them." You said and pulled away. Zuko looked behind you at them before looking at you. 

"We need the avatar (y/n)." He said. You give a nod. 

"I know. Why not listen to them and see if we can convince him to come with us." You say. Zuko took a deep breath in and steam came out when he exhaled. 

"Fine." He said and looked at Iroh. 

"Get the ship ready to leave but do not take off." Zuko said and walked to Appa. 

"He's going to listen if you will listen." You say. Aang nods and you both climb up. Aang, Sakka and Katara were siting close together and you sat with Zuko as Appa flew into the air. 


A lot of silence. 

"So...Is anyone going to talk?" Sakka asked. Aang sighed. 

"If we let you speak first, please listen to us." Aang says. You give a nod and look at Zuko. 

"I need the avatar so i, along with (y/n) and Iroh. I need to restore my honor." Zuko said. Everyone gave a small nod. 

"But we have to defeat the fire lord." Katara says. 

"Yeah. Aang needs to master all four elements before the summer." Sakka said. Zuko growled. 

"You will lose!" He yelled and stood. You looked at him. 

"Zuko." You said. He doesn't stop glaring at them. 

"We were hoping you would be Aangs Earth and Fire bending teachers." Katara said. You looked shocked. 

"What! No way! bring us back to the ground now!" Zuko yelled. Sakka gave a nod and Appa landed. Zuko jumped down and walked. 

"(y/n)!" He screamed. You didn't move, thinking. Was it good idea that you both went with him? Zuko turned and faced you. 

"(y/n)!" he yelled louder. You stood and got down and walked to him but he looked at you. 

"You were thinking of going with them." He said. You didn't say anything. 

"I was thinking we both could go." You said. Zuko looked shocked before he looked hurt. 

"Then go. I don't need a trader on my ship." Zuko said. You had tears. 

"Zuko, no you don't mean that." You said and you saw that Zuko had tears.

"This time, i do mean it." He said and turned, walking on the ship, leaving you on the land. 

"We are setting sail!" Zuko yells. Iroh looks at him, then you. 

"But, what about (y/n)." Iroh said. Zuko looked at him. 

"She choose to betray us and travel with them. She is the enemy." Zuko said. Iroh looks at you as the move from the shore. He see's your tears. 

"It doesn't look that way." Iroh said. You move to Appa and climb on before you break down and cry. No one said anything as they started to fly and head north. Zuko watched them and moved to his bedroom. He closed the door and a tear fell. He moved to his end table and took out a picture of (y/n) and him before he was banished. 

"It was me or them (y/n). You can't be friends with both." He said and fell on his bed. It hurt to do that. The truth was he liked (y/n). He put the picture down and closed his eyes as his tear fell. He covered his eyes as he cried. 

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