Chapter 15 - The Attack

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Over the next few days, Aang, Katara, and Sakka could see how you went from being distant to being happy. You even watched at Katara as she took down the water bending master Pakku, earning the right to learn water bending. You even found out that Yue was blessed by Tui. You were with her right now in the cave becasue you and her became fast friends. 

"So is that man nice?" You ask her. She sighs. 

"Yes, very nice, but hes not who i wish to be with." She says. You smile. 

"Yes i agree. Sakka is a much better choice." You say. She blushes. 

"W-Who said Sakka?" She stuttered. You giggled. 

"Yue, I can see you looking at him." You say. She smiles a bit before it falls and she looks at the fish. 

"Yes, but i can not be with him." She says. You frown a bit. 

"Unless you let your father know." You say. She looks at you and has tears.

"That won't..." She says but stops as the ground shakes. You look at each other and stand, running to the entrance. You both see ash. 

"Fire nation." Yue says and runs. You wanted to follow but something told you not to. Something was whispering in your ear to stay. You turn and look at the pond. Could it have been them?

"(y/n)." You hear and turn again, seeing Zhao. You glare at him. 

"Zhao." You say. He smiles and walks foreward. 

"I see you found the moon spirit. Maybe i gave you to much credit." He says. You don't move as he walks closer. 

"If you want, We can kill it together and you can come home." He says, walking past you. You slam your foot on the ground, making a wall of earth come up in front of him and you face him. 

"You will not hurt them." You say. He turns and faces you. you slide your foot on the ground and the wall spreads, surrounding the whole cave.  

"You still haven't learned your place. I order you to put the wall down." Zhao says. You glare at him and shake your head. 

"No." You say. He fire bends at you. You move and dodge it.

"You were always trouble. I don't know why Iroh took you in or even trained you." He says and walks up to you. You back up and put up a new wall but he gets over it before it gets to high and he grabs you by your neck. You try and fight him but he starts to squeeze. 

"Well, he lost a son, why not a daughter also."Zhao says and squeezes harder. You try and earth bend but you cant concentrate and your vision gets blurry. 

"Let her go!" You hear and a wall of fire comes at Zhao, making him let you go to get away. You fall to your knees and take in a deep breath before your arm is grabbed and you see Zuko as he helps you up so your standing. 

"Ah. I see you survived your ship being distroyed." He says. Zuko gets ready to fight. 

"You tried to kill (y/n)!" Zuko screams. Zhao smirks and laughs. 

"She was in my way. She is stopping me from ending this war and letting us win. Zuko, you want your honor back correct?" Zhao asks. Zuko was silent as you rubbed your neck. Zhao walked up to him. 

"Then help me. Help me kill that earth bender who pretends to be with the fire nation and her walls with fall. Once they do, we will kill the moon spirit." Zhao says. You see Zuko stand up straight. 

"And if i do? How can i trust that you will keep your end?" Zuko asks. Your eyes go wide and Zhao smirks. 

"Because i will appoint you as my apprentice, making your honor restored and the fire nation will welcome you back with open arms." Zhao says. Zuko was silent before he moves and stands next to him. You have more tears as he turns and faces you. Zhao laughs and looks at you, taking a small step forward. 

"You see girl, this is what it means to be fire nation." Zhao says as he and Zuko get into a fighting stance and fire builds in their fists.    

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