Chapter 5 - Battle

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You fell to the ground with a roll but you stood fast and sent a rock at Iroh. He dodged it and sent fire at you. You made a hole and fell into it. 

"Good! Your learning fast." Iroh said as he walked up. You smiled and got out and ran to him. 

"Thank you master." You said. He laughed a bit. 

"(y/n), you have been my daughter now for seven years now." He said. You gave a nod. It was true, a few months after he started to train you, he adopted you. Tomorrow was your thirteenth birthday. You were the same age as Zuko.  

"I know Papa, but when your training me, you are my master." You say. He smiled and hugs you. You hug him back. True, you missed your real mother and father but you did love your Papa. Iroh then moved and smiled. 

"You are ready." Iroh said. Your smile dropped and gave a nod. You were ready. 

"Come." He said and walked. You followed, ready to avenge your village. You saw Fire lord Ozai, Zuko and Azula walking to the war room. Iroh and you walked up to them and you bowed. 

"Fire lord, Princess Azula, Prince Zuko." You say. Zuko smiles at you as you rose from your bow. 

"(y/n), brother, what do we owe this visit?" Ozai asked. Iroh smiled. 

"My daughter, (y/n), wishes to do an Agni Kai on Yon." Iroh said. Ozai looked at you. 

"Is this true?" He asks. You give a nod. 

"I want to avenge my village my lord." You say. Ozai gave a nod. 

"Tomorrow then. In the morning. Go let him know." He said. You smiled. Azula gave a laugh. 

"Great. Uncle can lose two children." Azula said and walked away. Zuko gave her a glare. 

"Don't listen to her Uncle. (y/n), I will be cheering for you." Zuko said. You blushed a bit.

"T-Thank you Prince Zuko." You said. Ozai sees that and clears his voice. 

"Zuko, come." He says and walks. Zuko waved and followed his father. You gave a sigh. When Azula or Ozai were with Zuko, you had to call him prince but once alone, like when he was training with you and uncle, you called him Zuko. Iroh put his hand on your shoulder. 

"Come (y/n), let us go and let Yon know he will be defeated tomorrow." Iroh said. You looked at him and smiled. 

"Yes Papa." You say and walk to the training hut. You see him training troops. 

"Yon." Iroh says. He looks at Iroh and you.

"Ah, Iroh and his fake daughter." Yon says. You glare at him and take a step forward. 

"Yon, I challenge you to an Agni Kai Tomorrow at sun rise." You say loudly. He smiles.

"And you think you can defect me?" He said. You gave a nod. He laughs. 

"Then why wait." He said and sent out fire. You hit the ground with your hands and brought up a wall to block it. You then kicked it and it shot back at him. The troops got out of the way as Yon ran and barely dodged it. You go into an earth kingdom fighting stance and waited. He was studying you. Iroh made sure no one but him and Zuko watched you as you trained.

"I see your have grown stronger." Yon said. You gave a nod, using that time to look at his feet. You moved to stand straight and brought up a few rocks with you and you punch the air, sending them at his feet. He jumps but you stomp on the ground and pull up your hands to make small spikes come up, Just long enough to hurt him but not impale him. He lands on them and scream, falling to the ground. You slam your hands to the ground and rocks come up, making cuffs on his hands and feet. You then kick the ground and he turns and falls to this back and is now stretched out on the ground. You then stand straight, walking up to him and glare down at him. 

"You lose." You say, bending down and sweep your hand on the ground. Yon sees rocks coming into your hand and you make a small spike. You hold it over his head so he can look right at it. You then drop it. 

"No!" He screams in fear, closing his eyes and waits. He then opens his eyes and sees you stopped the spike right before it hits his eye. You quickly form your hand into a fist and the spike turn into dust. Yon closes his eyes again so the dust doesn't get into his eyes. You stand and look at the troops.

"Yon has lost the Agni Kai!" You scream and look at him.

"And I will now let Fire lord Ozai know." You say and turn and walk. 

"You...You coward!" Yon screamed. Iroh put his hand on your back. 

"I'm proud of you (y/n)." Iroh says and you have tears but nod. 


Today you not only avenged your mother, father and village. 

But today you became the first, non fire bender to win an Agni Kai.  

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