Chapter 2 - Iroh

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Iroh was in his room, looking at a picture of his late son. After his son was killed, Iroh just, gave up. He didn't want to do anything and he had lost Ba Sing Se because of it, well, that's what his father thought. Iroh had lost more then just that. 

"Leaves from the vine. Falling so slow..." He starts to sing as tears come to his eyes but a knock stops him. He whips his eyes. 

"Come in." He says and places the picture on his night stand. The captain walks in. 

"Sir. The village was destroyed and everyone killed, all but one. A..." He said. Iroh gave a glare and stood, making the man stop. 

"Destroyed? I gave orders to capture, not kill." Iroh said firmly. He had seen enough death. The captain looked afraid. 

"I...We had other orders sir. From Commander..." Was all he said as Iroh pushed him out of the way and walked to the helm. 

"Yon Rha." Iroh yelled. Yon looked at him.

"Ah, Iroh." He said. Iroh gave another glare. 

"I said no killing." Iroh said. Yon smiled. 

"And I was told other wise by your brother. Now if you don't mind, We have one more stop and that's the south pole. Its quite close to this one, just on the other side of this ice block." He says but Iroh blows fire at him. 

"No. You will take me home now." He orders. Yon gave a glare but then a nod. 

"Fine. Rerouting our course to home." He said. Iroh gives a nod.

"Now. Make me tea and something to eat so I can speak to the one you kept alive." Iroh said. Yon gave a nod as they sailed from the south pole and he was brought his items. Iroh walked down the steps to the cells. He saw guards and ordered them to open the door. Iroh's eyes went wide as he walked in and saw a child who was standing and crying. The soldier put the tray down and closed the door. You looked at the man as you cried. 

"Why such tears?" Iroh asked, knowing why. You ran at him and started to kick and hit his leg. 

"You killed my family!" You screamed. Iroh didn't move, letting you get your anger out. Once you fell to the ground he moved and poured two cups of tea. 

"What is your name?" Iroh asked. You wiped your eyes. 

"(y-y/n)." You said. He gave a nod and held out the cup. You looked at it. 

"Try it. It's Jasmine tea. My favorite." He said. You took it and looked at it as Iroh took a sip. 

"My son loved tea just like I did." Iroh said and you looked at him with tears. 

"What happened to him?" You asked. Iroh frowned and had tears. 

"He died. Not even a few days ago." Iroh said. You said nothing and took a sip of the tea. It was good. 

"My name is Iroh. I was just told about your family. I did not give them those orders." Iroh said. You had more tears. Iroh was curious as to why they would let one water bender alive and not the others in the village. He then took some bread and handed it to you. Maybe she wasn't a bender at all.  

"Eat (y/n)." He said. You put your cup down and took it, eating it. 

"Tell me (y/n), your not a bender are you?" Iroh asked. You looked at him.

"I'm a earth bender." You said. Iroh looked confused. 

"My Ancestors were from Ba Seng Si." You said. Iroh gave a smile. 

"You mean Ba Sing Se." Iroh said. You gave a nod. Iroh then stood.

"It is quiet warm in here. Would you like to come out with me on to the deck?" He asks. You finish the bread and hold your knees.

"But your fire nation. Aren't you evil?" You ask him. Iroh lets out a small laugh.

"Would someone who's evil sit in the cell and have tea and food with you?" He asks. You think for a second before you give a small nod.        

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