Chapter 11 - Old man

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You gave a small stretched as you walked. 

"Man. Being on that ship is fine but it feels good to be on land again." You said. Iroh gave a small laugh. 

"For an Earth bender, i guess but for Prince Zuko." Iroh said and you both looked at as he grabbed an Earth Kingdom man. 

"Have you seen an Airbender!" Zuko yelled and the already scared man. You shook your head and walked over. 

"Zuko, let him go." You say. Zuko looks at you, glaring, but lets him go. The man then runs off. You cross your arms over your chest. 

"Wait on the boat Zuko. The town is further down the way. I can go faster, get the supply's we need and earth bend them back." You say. Zuko sighs and gives a nod. 

"Fine." He says and walked to the boat. You look at Iroh. 

"You too Papa." You say and Iroh nods.

"Yes. Some good Hot tea will help relax everyone." Iroh says and walks on the boat. You smile and turn to the woods. You knew the town was a short walk but Zuko would stop anyone he sees and ask for the avatar. You started to walk and looked up to the trees. They looked like the leaves were on fire they were so red. You smiled and looked forward, seeing a man on the ground, trying to get up. You ran over. He was fire nation. 

"Sir, are you alright?" You asked as you got low to him. He didn't look hurt but he had tears. 

"I was attacked and robbed. They took my cane" He said. You helped him up.

"I'm so sorry sir. Are you heading to the town? I can help you if you want." You ask. The man nods and you walk slowly with him. 

"Who attacked you?" You asked. Then old man, who was holding your arm to help walk. 

"A group called the freedom Fighters. They fight anyone in the fire nation and are nothing but bullies." The man said. You looked at him. 

"Someone has to stop them then." You said. He gave a nod. 

"Many have tried, all have failed. We in Gaipan live with the Earth benders in peace. That's all we want." He said before he stopped. 

"Please, Let me rest a bit." He said. You gave a nod and helped him to sit before you at also.   

"How long have you lived in Gaipan?" You asked. He smiled. 

"My whole live. My mother was fire nation, my father earth kingdom." He say and made a small flame. You smiled and did a little earth bending.

"I was born into the water tribe but i'm an earth bender." You said. He smiled. 

"My name is Dev." He said. You shook his hand. 

"(y/n)" You say before you stood. You did a small earth bending and made a cane out of rock. 

"For you sir." You say and help him up. He takes it. 

"Thank you." He says. You smile and continue to walk with him. Once at the village, you take your time getting the supply's and decide to stay the night, sending the supply's back to the boat with a note that said you would be back tomorrow. 

You had a feeling you should stay. Something in the earth told you that tomorrow would be interesting.       

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