Chapter 19 - Revenge

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You were in the water, being dragged under by the current. You quickly shot your hands up and earth came up, making a small island. You took in the air and coughed. You looked and saw they were turning around again. You had to lead them away from Aang and everyone. You had tears and stood, using your earth to run on the water and away from the earth kingdom. The ship was now turned around and you ran passed it. 

"She getting away! turn the ship!" Azula screamed. you ran as fast as you could but running on water, even if the earth coming up to help, was hard. you looked back and saw that they were far behind you. When you looked foreward, you saw more fire nation ships. You stopped and were breathing hard. they were ready to attack if you got closer. You turned to the north but you felt something grab your shirt and pull you up. You brought up earth with you and held it as you were throw to a wall. You looked and put the earth on your fist and got ready to fight. You saw them with fire, ready to shoot you.

"(y/n). Stop this." You heard and Zhao walked up. You glared at him. 

"You will be coming back with us. Azula and her friends will be going out and getting your friends. Whats so..." He says but you move and punch him in the gut. He falls to the gorund and your grabbed and forced onto your stomach. Your earth came lose and they kick it away. 

"Put cuffs around her. She can bend metal." Azula said. Zhao stands and is holding his stomach. You knew you hurt him as the put your hands and feet in to cuffs so you can't bend, but can walk. The cuffs that covered you made it so you coukdn't move your fingers or toes. Zhao walked over to you and grabs your left arm. You then feel heat.

"Fire Lord Ozai burnt Zuko. Zuko burnt me. I will burn you." He said. You let out a scream and tried to get away as his fires burnt you. He let you go after a bit and you look at your arm. The burn mark was in the shape of a hand print. 

"Take her to the cell and heal her." Zhao said and they dragged tou to the cell. Tears fell and the pain in your arm was getting wrose. They put you on the bed and one leaves, but comes back with a first aid kit. The wrap your arm after putting on a cooling ointment. 

"How does that feel?" One asks. You look at him. You knew that voice. It was one of the gaurds from the ship you were on with Papa and Zuko. 

"I-It hurts." You say. He nods. 

"I know. It will for a while. I put a numbing solution on but it only stops the pain a bit. You will have to wait till it heals." He says and stands, walking to the door. 

"Thank you." You say. He stops and looks at you. 

"You were always kind to us. It's the least i can do." He says before he opens and leaves the room. You hear him lock it and you move to lay down, your arm genly on your stomach. You hope the fire lord only throws you in jail. you hoped that Azula was lying to you about what she said. You hoped he didn't have any other plans for you. You closed your eyes, hopeig  to sleep before you feel the pain again. 

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