Chapter 6 - Banishment

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You were waiting for Zuko and fire lord Ozai to be finished with the meeting. You wanted to let them both know how you defected Yon and wanted to ask Ozai to banish him. Iroh put his hand on your shoulder. 

"How do you feel?" He asked. You looked at him and opened your mouth but the door opened and you looked. It was Zuko and he looked pissed. You then saw others walk out and Zhao walked out and was smiling. You glared at him. He was always rude to you but you gave a bow. He didn't see you and walked away when Ozai walked out. 

"Brother." Iroh said and Ozai looked at him and you. 

"Brother. I take it that you told Yon." He said. Iroh gave a nod and smiled. 

"Better." He said. Ozai looked confused but looked at you.

"He challenged me right then and there. I defeated him." You said. Ozai gave a nod. 

"It seems he didn't wish to do it properly. I will allow your victory." He said and looked at Iroh. 

"Tonight will be an Angi kai. Be there. Both of you." He said and walked away. You never got to ask him to banish Yon. You and Iroh looked at each other and walked but you saw Azula.   

"I hope you both are ready for tonight. It's going to be a blast." She said before she moved. 

"What does she mean?" You asked. Iroh looked at her. 

"I'm not sure, but I have a bad feeling." Iroh said. You gave a nod and you both were right. You walked to the stadium with the Agni Kai's are held and you saw Zuko and his father. Your eyes went wide as Zuko stood and his eyes went wide also. 

"Amazing right. He thought he was going to face me." Zhao said and smiled.

"Father please!" Zuko shouted as Ozai walked up to him. 

"You will learn your place." Ozai said and sent out fire. Zuko screamed and Iroh had to hold you back from jumping in to help him. 

"You will be banished till you find the Avatar." Ozai said and turned. You got out of Irohs grip and ran to him. 

"I will go with him!" You shouted. Ozai looked at you. 

"And why should I allow that?" Ozai said. You walked up to him. 

"Please, He's my friend." You say but Ozai grabbed your wrist and you felt a lot of pain. You bit your lip to keep from Screaming. 

"Enough!" Iroh screamed. Ozai looked at him but you still felt pain. You looked and you see his hand was red, but no fire. The pain was from how hard he was squeezing.

"I will be going with also and because (y/n) is my daughter, she will be with me." Iroh yells. Ozai lets your go. 

"Fine. Leave now. You may have one small war ship." Ozai said and left. You grabbed your wrist and ran to Zuko. His left side was swollen and burnt but Zuko had passed out from the pain. 

"Come (y/n). Lets get him on the ship and get him medical treatment." Iroh said. You gave a nod and held him. Zuko let out a small moan from the pain. 

"Zuko." You whispered as you walked to the ship. You saw people on it. 

"Iroh. We are ready to sail." The captian said. Iroh gave a nod. 

"Head to the earth kingdom." Iroh said and put Zuko on the ground. You ran to the medical room and grabbed the first aid kit. You then ran back and helped Iroh help him with Zukos face. The Earth kingdom had the best medicine.

"He will be out for a while and while his face will be scared, we did save his eye." Iroh said. You gave a nod and soldiers walked over and put him on a stretcher. You followed them as they walked to his room. They put him on his bed and moved from the room. You felt a hand on your shoulder. 

"He will be OK (y/n)." Iroh said. You gave a nod but moved to his bed. You sat and watched him. Iroh moved to you and sat also. 

"Where do we start?" You asked. Iroh sighed. 

"The air temples after he get Zuko some more medical treatment. The next avatar will be very old but an Air bender." Iroh said. You gave a nod.   

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