Chapter 17 - Teaching

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"Close Aang. You have to stop thinking about bending the rock but feel it." You say before you push your hand forward in the air. The rock you made to look like a small ball rolls a bit. Aang nods and takes a deep breath before he pushes the air. 


You giggle a bit. 

"Lets take a break and see what your doing wrong." You say and sit. Aang sits also. 

"It's been days and I still can't earth bend." Aang says and falls back and sighs. 

"I'm never going to get it." He says. You look at him. 

"Don't say that. Now sit up. I think i know what your doing wrong." You say. He sits up and looks at you. You then smile. 

"Or, should i say what i'm doing wrong. I'm have been teaching you like Iroh taught me. I think i need to teach you differently." You say and place your hand on the gound. You take a deep breath before you put on it and a circle appears. Its raised a bit and you earth bend two stones. One is black and one is brown. You hand him the brown one before you pull your hand up and small rocks appear in the circle.

"Ok Aang. This is called (y/n)'s training. You have to earth bend your rock to hit as many rocks as possible with one hit. Watch." You say and put your rock down and move your hand away. You flick your finger and the rock goes flying around and you hit three. You pick them up. 

"your turn." You say. Aang sighs and places his rock down. Hes about to flick when you slap your head, making him stop. 

"I forgot. first to ten wins. I have three." You say. He smiled and looks. you then flicks his finger and the rock moves a bit but not like yours. Aang smiles. 

"I moved it!" He says. You nod. 

"Yet you didn't hit any." You say and earth bend, hitting two. You pick them up and frown at him. he smirks and moves to his knees. He flicks his finger and he hits seven of them as his rock rickashays off others. You laugh and flick your finger, hitting three, for a total of eight. Aang laughs.

"I win." He says and with a flick, he hits four more. You look at him. 

"Now lets stand and move that rock." Yuo say and make the rocks go back into the earth. Aang nods and moves. He takes a deep breath and with a push, the rock rolls. You look at Aang.

"Very good. Tomorrow we will play a new game to help you develop your skills faster. For now lets rest and eat." You say. Aang nods and walks with you. Once back at camp, you see Zuko is helping with the fire and you sit on the ground. Aang sits also but you see him take some dirt and start to bend it. You smile. 

"Try and make shapes." You say. Aang nods and you see him making circles, squares and even flowers. He picked it up quiet fast and seems like he doesn't want to stop practicing. 

"Hey, toss it here." You say and hold your hand up. Aang bends it to you and bend it, turning it into a bird. You then bend it back to him but make the wings flap. It lands in his hands. 

"Now make an animal and send it back." You say. Aang nods and makes a Flying bison. He then makes it float over to you. You both continue to do that well into the night. You only stopped when you and him both fall asleep.           

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