Chapter 16 - Members of Team Avatar

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You take a step back.

"Put the wall down (y/n)." Zhao says and takes another step forward. Zuko hadn't moved and was behind him now. You shook your head. 

"N-No." You said. Zhao gave a small shrug.

"Fine. Then die." Zhao says and pulls his arm back but fire erupts from behind him and Zhao screams as his back is on fire. 

"You will not touch her again!" Zuko screams as Zhao falls to the ground and is rolling around, trying to put the fire out. You kick the ground and earth moves under him, making him fall in the water with a splash. You then feel arms go around you. 

"I'm sorry." Zuko said and pulled away fro myou. You smile and nod. 

"Lets get rid of the others." You say and he nods ands and runs. You both, along with the water benders, Katara, Aang, Sakka and Iroh, start to push the fire benders back till they retreat. You see them leave but you also see Zhao on the ship, he's eyes in a fiery death glare as the ships sail further and further away. You look at Yue and walk up to her. 

"Are...Are the spirits..." She asks in worry. Her father, Arnook, was next to her. You smile and nod. 

"Save. Come." You say and walk to the cave. they see the wall and you bring your hands up, slowly bringing them down. The walls of earth slowly fall and they see the cave wasn't touched. you all walk in and the two koi are swimming around peacefully. Arnook looked at you, seeing the brucies on your neck. 

"You would have died for them?" He asked. You gave a nod as Yue put her hand in the water and Tui swam to her. 

"How can we repay you?" He asks. Yuo look at him. 

"Let Yue be with who she wants." You say. He looks shocked but the looks at Yue as Sakka walks over and smiles at her. 

"they are both alive Sakka." She says. Sakka smiles at that. Arnook nods.

"Alright. Yue." He says and She looks at him before she stands and walks over to him. He reaches up and removes her necklace. Yue looks confused.

"(y/n) here asked me to let you be with who you want." He says and takes her hand and places the necklace in her hand. She looked at him and smiled before she dropped the necklace and ran to Sakka. Sakka wrapped his arms around her and they kissed. You look behind you and see Iroh talking with Zuko. you walk over to them. 

"Papa. Zuko." You say. They look at you. You walk up and hug them both. 

"thank you." You say. They both hug you back. 

"Zuko is telling him how he wants to stop the hunt for the avatar." Iroh says. You look at Zuko. He takes out a knife and grabs his hair before he cuts it. He brings both items down and looks at his hair. 

"I never should have left you standing at the shore (y/n)." Zuko said and let the hair go so the wind blows it away. You smile and Katara walks up. 

"(y/n), we are leaving. Yue plans to come also. Are you ready?" Katara asks. Zuko looks at her. 

"We are." He says. Katara looks at him and smiles at him. She then looks at Iroh. 

"I will be going just till we reach the earth kingdom." Ioh says. Katara nods and you all follow her. You smile at Yue, who is holding Sakka's hand and climb on Appa and sit. Once everyone is on, Appa took off, heading to the earth kingdom so you could teach him earth bending. 

~With Ozai~

"I see. So Zuko has now not only throw his honor to the ground, but he steps on it." Ozai asked. Zhao, who was still in pain but wrapped up gave a nod. 

"Yes fire lord. I gave him an option to come home, all he had to do was kill that earth bender that Iroh adopted but he picked to attack me and help her." Zhao says. Ozai looks at him and nods. 

"My brother was soft on her and my son. Go and heal Zhao. You will go with my daughter, Azula once your healed, Azula will let you know what my plan is." Ozai says. Zhao nods and walks slowly to the medical room. Azula walks in and bows to her father. 

"It seems your brother is as worthless as we thought but that earth bender is worth something. You will be going with Zhao and hunting them down. You both will bring my the avatar and (y/n). Kill everyone else." He says. Azula smiles. 

"Of course father but if i may ask, why not just kill (y/n)?" She asks. Ozai smirks. 

"Lets just say we have a prison cell that has had her name on it since she arrived here. That, And i have something speaciel planed for her." Ozai says. Azula laughed.  

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