61: Cesar

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"Wait so the baby isn't Mario's?" Nina asked with her mouth full of chocolate pudding.

"Unless Mario turned into a black man during his first year in college and Amber is somehow black," Ruby said sarcastically making Nina choke on her pudding a little.

"But no, the baby isn't Mario's," he laughed handing Nina a cup of water. The five teens would drop by and visit her whenever they could. Some times with Ruby's family but most of the times it would just be them.

Nina was a little surprised that they'd become really close with Jasmine considering they found her really annoying in the beginning. She also didn't expect them to come visit her so often because of what happened to Olivia and what Ruby had been experiencing still. But it was kind of sweet seeing the five of them together like this.

"So where's Amber and the baby?" she asked setting the cup back down on the table that hovered her body.

"Amber's back with her family. She's still tryna figure out who the baby's father is," Jasmine answered before Ruby could say anything else about it.

Damn, Nina thought. "Pretty badass for you to deliver that baby though. Props to you Jasmine," she nodded.

"Yo! That shit wasn't easy. For a moment I thought I blacked out seeing that thing come out of her cos last time I checked the mommy and the daddy weren't black," Jasmine said making everyone get into a fit of laughter.

"Oh! Blackout! I get it," Jamal nodded making everyone laugh even more.

It was until Nina winced a little. Her body was still a little sore, though she was getting better. It's been over  a month since what happened at the bodega. Her hand was better now, a therapist would come in and help her with it. But the ribs were still going to take a week to properly heal. Although, while Nina was still on the process of healing, there was still no sign of Marcus.

"You okay, Nina?" Monse sits up a little, pulling away from Cesar's embrace. Even Cesar sat up looking at Nina with concern.

"Yea. Sometimes it just hurts to laugh a little. That's all," she forced a smile leaning back in to her bed rest. Cesar offered if Nina helped with anything but Nina shook her head saying she was okay.

"How've you been? With the healing and your energy?" Cesar asked resting his elbows on his knees. He was more than concerned when he first hear about what happened. He wasn't present at the twins birthday party unlike his other friends since Victoria could no longer appeal for him to be there. If Cuchillos would hear about it, she'd have Oscar's head.

When his friends told him about what happened, he insisted on seeing Nina the moment they all got out of school. Nina was more than just a sister to him, she'd acted like a mother to him ever since she moved into Freeridge. Their bond had only deepened when Oscar was away in prison as she looked after him for four years.

"Everything else is good except for my ribs. It's gonna take a longer time for them to heal," Nina answered truthfully. "On the bright side I could leave the room sometimes for exercise and stuff. They would push me around in a wheelchair but up until recently they've been helping me get out of bed so I could walk around."

"The nurses would help me walk around but I'd get tired pretty easily," she continued explaining. "Oscar's been such a really good nurse to me too. He'd insist on pushing the wheelchair and he'd help me walk around the hospital. Even fucking spoon fed me when my hand was messed up," she added with a laugh.

When Nina was saying all those things, the five of them were exchanging looks trying hard to imagine Spooky acting like a nurse to Nina. Cesar was in denial of his own disbelief but could see it though. He was happy when he heard that his brother and Nina were back together. He knew how much his brother loved her.

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