c h a p t e r 1 - escaping

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Shaking, I threw the attic door shut, locking it as fast as I could with my trembling fingers. Finally having escaped my mother's drunken yelling, I flung myself into the corner of the room I called mine when, in reality, it was nothing more than a blanket, a pillow and a broken window  that served as the only air con I got in the sweltering Arizona heat. Tears now creating a constant flow down my face, I curled myself tighter into a ball in an effort to contain my shivering. 

I'm safe I repeated to myself. Safe- not that the word meant anything to me I scoffed to myself. My breathing finally having returned to a steady pace, I took in my injuries- some cuts on my arms and knees from where my oh-so-loving mother threw her beer bottle at me and the usual bruises on my ribs and face.

Damn, it hurt trying to move but I knew I had to or it would be way worse in the morning. Frowning, I reached for my painkillers I had managed to sneak from school and dry-swallowed them. Next, I reached for the rubbing alcohol and bandages. Time for the worst part. Gritting my teeth, I poured it onto my cuts then bandaged them carefully up.

Now that was finished, I decided it was probably best I tried to sleep. Curling up on my makeshift bed, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Sunlight poured through into my room, my daily alarm clock. Groggily, I rolled onto my side. Oops, big mistake. A hiss of pain escaped my lips as the stench of blood and alcohol met my nose reminding me of last nights events. Sighing, I got dressed in my usual hoodie and leggings and decided it would be better to face my mother now rather than later.

As I expected, there she sat in her usual morning after haze.

'Hey honey,' 

Watching her with weary eyes, I didn't even bother to reply. It always ended up like this. She wastes the money on drinking, gets mad when she eventually gets drunk, blames it on me for being a quote on quote 'ungrateful bitch who's also a waste of space' -I love having such a complimentary mother- and then hits me. Then, the next day, acts all remorseful and expresses her unconditional love for me. Right, yeah 'love'. Tell that to my scars. And its not like I can just leave- I mean I did, once. I'm not making that mistake again. Besides, I prefer the doting mother act than the raging drunk mess that comes out at night.

Saying a hasty goodbye, I don't even bother to check the cupboards for something to eat- I know they'll be empty. Thank god for the dunkin bins or I may not have survived the last few years purely because of starvation.

Thanks to last night, I was slower getting to school today and so usually I would get there before everyone else- I hated busy crowds because people would always knock into my injuries- but I guess karmas been wanting to get me back lately so, of course, I had to arrive just when all the buses arrived and the main corridor was at its busiest. So fucking great. Yup, the hood was definitely coming up today. Making my way through the halls- I only got shoved into a locker once- I finally reached first period. And it was maths. Seriously, I thought, whoever's controlling my life really needs to take a break cus this shit ain't funny- was it too much to ask for a normal day? If only I knew how much more was about to happen. 

Hiya, this is my first story so sorry if this chapter's a bit dodgy, promise it will get better! Comment and vote if you want- it means a lot :))))

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